vb. (present participle of round off English)
Usage examples of "rounding off".
Now I am rounding off my narrative from the old camp, where Zambo has waited so long, with all our difficulties and dangers left like a dream behind us upon the summit of those vast ruddy crags which tower above our heads.
Also, he had a passion for even numbers, and was always rounding off his quantities to more agreeable amounts.
There he met Chuck and Tom, two of the other regulars at the Lexington who were also rounding off a hard morning.
His father frowned and mumbled something about closemouthed strangers, rounding off his muffled comment with a vow to have no more mysterious types at his inn.
There remained, indeed, but some final shaping and rounding off, and the construction or rather cutting out of a secret locker in the stern.
When the meal was brought, ordered while she was still occupied in rounding off her bout of tears with neatness, she found her appetite returned and fell to heartily.
A 'dome' because you couldn't take it in in its entirety but must close your eyes to a squint, thus rounding off the corners and turning your periphery of vision to a shadowy curve.
I had intended to become a land girl, a postwoman, and a bus conductress by way of rounding off my career--but the Armistice intervened!