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adj. having a round face [syn: moon-faced]

Usage examples of "round-faced".

Betty ordered an Absolut on the rocks with a twist from the young, round-faced bartender, then she suggested that I join her.

Short and round-faced, with longish, wispy white hair and neutral gray eyes set off by old-fashioned tortoiseshell, round-framed spectacles, Hoskinson presented a lot more of Bob Cratchit than he did James Bond.

He was a round-faced man of kindly appearance whom Gelvarry had occasionally seen in the mess, fussing with the Sparklets machine and otherwise making himself useful and approved of.

She counted two, plus the round-faced human Bodhi called out of the gate to .

Van was so taken up by his talk, by the training tips he lavished on the eager boy, and by envy, ambition, respect and other youthful emotions, that he had little time for Cordula, round-faced, small, dumpy, in a turtle-neck sweater of dark-red wool, or even for the stunning young lady on whose bare back the paternal hand kept resting lightly as Demon steered her toward this or that useful guest.

Laura and her two cousins, with their little tea-cups in their hands, all laughing and talking like sisters, while George held up some absurd photographs of a stout, round-faced little girl, with a strongly--curved mouth, which he declared to be portraits of Sara in her early youth, Louey felt that her world contained all she could desire, or nearly all, for Louey had not forgotten that a wonderful thing was to happen the same evening, which would make her happiness altogether complete.

I know not if that were the name of the round-faced, round-bodied little Marseillais who took toll at the desk.

Another man, a round-faced wagonwright with tools hanging from the sides of his cart and two wagon wheels in the back, told a different story.

He was a round-faced, nearsighted prig with bad breath, hanging dewlaps, and a sour stomach from too much rich food.

The passenger dismounted, Naomi waved and roared off again, leaving a small, round-faced bespectacled young man peering at them from their bottom step.

She was short, well-formed, round-faced, always an excellent helpmate and hos-less, but her bubbliness had dwindled on the Moon.

Round-faced, red-haired Menelaus was there, whose cuckolding by Paris had provided the pretext for the war, and wily Odysseus, and the aged and rambling Nestor, whose head trembled incessantly.

But this round-faced boy with gleaming black hair, three inches shorter than Drew though older, showed no satisfaction in his triumph - no grin, no swagger, no ridicule.

He portrays her as a cute, round-faced wench with features lacking the aquilinity so prized by the Draka.

He remembered Professor Douglas, his communication theory teacher at UCLA, a good-natured, round-faced little man who’.