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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Believing it was Travis, she froze round-eyed as she found herself gazing into four faces as surprised as her own.
▪ Civilians and soldiers mixed with round-eyed ladies from somewhere.
  1. adj. (used of eyes) fully open or extended; "listened in round-eyed wonder"; "stared with wide eyes" [syn: wide-eyed, wide]

  2. having large round wide-open eyes [syn: saucer-eyed]

Usage examples of "round-eyed".

Bugiardini, still moonfaced and round-eyed, showed a center patch of baldness that resembled a tonsure.

Behind it stood a round-eyed maiden, all aghast at the honourable company of calashes, who marched in without a word.

His target of choice was Private Goom, better known as Wazzer, who was stick-thin and round-eyed and nervous and said grace loudly before meals.

It was all a tumble of shahmat boards down there: white north surfaces, all other sides energy-absorbent black, metallized glass lancing reflections back at catcher panels, louvers, shadow banners, clash of metal chimes, street cries, robed men like knights, limousine horns, foreigners moving diagonally, the bazaar smell newly settled into recently wet mortar but not quite yet victorious over aldehydes outbaking from the plastics, and Konstantinos Cikoumas, Michaelmas saw him as a tall, cadaverous, round-eyed, open-mouthed man in a six-hundred-dollar suit and a grocer's apron with a screwdriver in its bib pocket.

A green - skinned and round-eyed male, Boiny had a tapered snout and a crest of pliant yellow spines.

Downers scurried about naked and enjoying it, the brown fur of their spindly limbs and lithe bodies dark with moisture and plastered to them, their faces, round-eyed and with mouths set in permanent o’s of surprise, watched and chattered together in their own language, a babble in the rain and the constant bass of thunder.

All the other girls were ringed about the little tableau, well out of range of either Amariyah's or Sister Kathleen's retribution, staring in round-eyed, openmouthed fascination.

The King, who had been listening in round-eyed admiration to the pirate, now brought his fist down with a tremendous thump on the arm of the throne.

He raised his head from where he was licking up the last of the algae and once more stared at me round-eyed, unblinkingly.

A pair of half-naked boys, silent and round-eyed, led Ox-Head and Hephaistion's mount toward us.

Nirgal had thought he was beyond surprise at this point, but he watched round-eyed as they drove down the tunnel, its rough rock walls just outside the edges of the boulder car.

As if the round-eyed barbarians could appreciate a tea ceremony anyway!