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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Her hands had been roughened by years of labouring.
▪ Sand the surface to roughen it before repainting.
▪ the roughened old stump of a tree
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Roughen \Rough"en\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roughened; p. pr. & vb. n. Roughening.] [From Rough.] To make rough.


Roughen \Rough"en\, v. i. To grow or become rough.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1580s, from rough (adj.) + -en (1). Related: Roughened; roughening.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To make rough. 2 (context intransitive English) To become rough.


v. make rough or rougher; "rough the surfaces so they will stick to each other" [ant: smooth]

Usage examples of "roughen".

She grasped his shoulders then, moving her legs, reveling in the abrasive feel of his hair roughened skin against the softness of her thighs.

His provincial accent roughened a little, the Anglic harshened with the tones of Haven, his home planet.

The crucible was entirely enclosed in a large lux metal case which was lined, on the side away from the projector, with roughened relux.

But bordering the road to the westward, the surface roughened and raised, clambering up to the higher ground, on the crest of which the old Mission and its surrounding pear trees were now plainly visible.

After a moment, rubbing the roughened surface of his chin the wrong way, he muttered to his image in the glass: That a mug!

The inner wall of the stomach appeared roughened, but Mae said that was normal.

Instead, it was roughened everywhere, and in a few places looked as if it had been scraped.

Marita leaned her forehead on her muddy knees and massaged her neck with roughened fingers.

He caught her face between his hands and pressed his Ups to the roughened skin.

He flipped open the cover and stroked the paper with roughened fingers.

You never get to touch the cards and all too often the cards are trimmed or roughened to hold together in the brace box.

They became so deliciously sensitive against his roughened skin, she wanted to scream from pleasure.

Then he suddenly shoved one warm, roughened finger up into her, pressing it deep, and she nearly choked on her shock as something thick and voluptuous crawled through her body, as if her hunger for him had stretched to life inside her.

He trailed a finger over one bare shoulder, his roughened skin caressing her flesh.

His voice roughened, the grief that had pierced her soul when he left echoed in it.