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  1. 1 active, vigorous and rough, with the possibility of harm 2 highly competitive n. 1 rough activity; fights 2 An environment of rough activity 3 A person who characteristically engages in such activity v

  2. Engage in rough-and-tumble activity

  1. adj. characterized by disorderly action and disregard for rules; "a rough-and-tumble fight"; "rough-and-tumble politics"; "undisguised bare-knuckle capitalism" [syn: bare-knuckle, bare-knuckled]

  2. n. disorderly fighting [syn: hassle, scuffle, tussle, dogfingt]

Usage examples of "rough-and-tumble".

I prepared myself therefore by the practice of such arts as acting, rough-and-tumble fighting, sleight-of-hand, cozenage, and burglary.

Joel Duffle is one of these rough-and-tumble eaters that you can hear quite a distance off, especially on clams and soups.

The interplay permitted Pilar a glimpse of the rough-and-tumble life Trace had once led.

I knew I came from the rough-and-tumble part, where there were teenage gangs called Bodgies and Widgies, and where hardly anyone looked after their garden.

After the rough-and-tumble of the rapids the serenity of the upper Kutai was a marvelous surprise -- a gondola ride into the forest primeval, engine howl replaced by the delicate plash of dipping paddles, the increasingly lush landscape slipping past at a leisurely, civilized pace.

Gryntaro was the epitome of the rough-and-tumble, no-nonsense type of Qanska, the sort who would be instantly and unanimously put in charge if the Counselors and Leaders and Wise ever decided to organize an army and take on the Vuuka in a straight-up battle.

Don't be techy—but don't forgit that yore pap was once the rough-and-tumble champeen of Gonzales County, Texas.

The entire family had been ecstatic at her birth, and she had been utterly doted on, with even the rough-and-tumble cousins fasci­nated by the daintiness and beauty of the newest Mac­kenzie.

The entire family had been ecstatic at her birth, and she had been utterly doted on, with even the rough-and-tumble cousins fasci­ nated by the daintiness and beauty of the newest Mac­ kenzie.

His instantaneous change from a drunken dock-walloper to a cold-sober, deadly-skilled rough-and-tumble brawler .

It was a rough-and-tumble wood, the best that could be expected from finger-painting in mud and blood on agave.

But at the age of three, after many kicks and bufferings, he suddenly developed into a marvelous hunting dog, a raider like his master, a rough-and-tumble, uncivilized beast who seemed made for the Chesapeake.

She was living with Bruenor's clan again in the dwarven mines just outside of Ten-Towns, and the mannerisms and accent of the rough-and-tumble dwarves were obviously again wearing off on her.

He also stood six feet, had learned self-defense on Pell's rough-and-tumble White Dock, the bottom end of where he'd lived, at worst, with his fourth family, and he could beat shit out of Marshall Willett.