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rotary motion

n. the act of rotating as if on an axis; "the rotation of the dancer kept time with the music" [syn: rotation]

Usage examples of "rotary motion".

In general the white spots were high-pressure cells that had risen from the depths and were converting their heat to rotary motion, which motion was greedily sucked at by the zonal jets.

The principle of rotary motion, as you point out, is pretty obvious, and was well known throughout the New World as well as the Old.

And that's why the circle and rotary motion and cyclic return are fundamental to every cult and every rite.

Now the upper portion of the structure sank slightly and began to tilt like a top at the end of its rotary motion.

The Plumie ship swept swiftly away, moved by the centrifugal force of the rotary motion the joined vessels had possessed.

He broke the balls and they played straight pool and the hacendado beat him easily, walking about the table and chalking his cue with a deft rotary motion and announcing the shots in spanish.

He didn't like the rotary swing that modern professionals used, and there wasn't much rotary motion in his swing as he hung on to the club through impact.

Perchance some unheard-of phenomenon had modified the rotary motion of the globe.

No flowers grow upon busy machinery, there is no sky to a routine, there is no space to a rotary motion.

And all life was a rotary motion, mechanised, cut off from reality.

In the middle of one of the longest sentences, he stopped the rotary motion of the snuffbox, raised his head, and with inimical politeness lurking in the corners of his thin lips interrupted Weyrother, wishing to say something.

And slowly she pulled her smock over her head, and when she had tossed the rustling silk onto a chair she smiled at Whip, placed her small brown hands under her breasts and moved her shoulders sideways in a slow rotary motion.

She chewed a grass blade with the same rotary motion as a woman mixing bread dough.

This to-and-fro movement of the pistons is converted by the rods and cranks into rotary motion, each piston turning the driving wheels one half turn on each stroke of the cycle.

I think it's a sort of lever to convert whatever force you apply to rotary motion.