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n. erect plant with small clusters of pink trumpet-shaped flowers of southwestern United States [syn: Centaurium calycosum]

Rosita (Sesame Street)

Rosita is a bright blue-green Hispanic monster Muppet character on the children's television series Sesame Street. Fluent in both English and Spanish, she is the first regular bilingual Muppet on the show. Rosita comes from Mexico and likes to play the guitar.


Rosita may refer to:

Rosita (band)

Rosita was a band formed by Marie Du Santiago and Emmy-Kate Montrose, formerly one-half of the much-championed Kenickie in the immediate aftermath of Kenickie's split in October 1998. Although best remembered as a Kenickie offshoot, they received regular coverage in their own right in the weekly UK music press, their second single Santa Poca's Dream was a UK Independent Singles Chart Top 20 hit and one of its bonus tracks Demon would be used as the soundtrack to a television advertisement for Leyland DAF Vans.

Rosita (film)

Rosita is a 1923 American silent film directed by Ernst Lubitsch. The film is based upon an 1872 opera Don César de Bazan of Adolphe d'Ennery et Philippe Dumanoir.

Usage examples of "rosita".

We drove southwest across Fort Wyvern, through Dead Town, past the warehouses where I had confronted the kidnapper, switching off the headlights as we reached the Santa Rosita, down the access ramp along the levee wall, onto the dry riverbed, obeying not a single stop sign along the way, ignoring every posted speed limit, with a loaded shotgun in a moving vehicle, a concealed weapon in my shoulder holster even though I possessed no license to carry, a cooler of beer between my feet, trespassing in flagrant violation of the federal government's Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act, while holding numerous politically incorrect attitudes, of which a few might well be against the law.

I switched on my cell phone again and keyed in the number for the unlisted back line that went directly to the broadcasting booth at KBAY, the biggest radio station in Santa Rosita County, where Sasha Good all was currently the disc jockey on the midnight-to-six air shift.

She told herself that if the Rosita took off before she got back to it, shed head for Fort Lauderdale and get the police.

You see, Virginia, there really is a Santa Rosita, full of plastic people, in plastic houses, in areas noduled by the vast basketry of their shopping centers.

Rosita outdid herself today and made enough to feed half your students.