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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Another puzzle is where the roseate terns fly for food during the summer on Falkner Island.
▪ Rare species like the roseate tern, which breeds on our rocky islands, are severely threatened in their wintering areas.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Roseate \Ro"se*ate\, a. [Cf. L. roseus, rosatus, prepared from roses. See Roseal, Rose.]

  1. Full of roses; rosy; as, roseate bowers.

  2. resembling a rose in color or fragrance; esp., tinged with rose color; blooming; as, roseate beauty; her roseate lips.

    Roseate tern (Zo["o]l.), an American and European tern ( Sterna Dougalli) whose breast is roseate in the breeding season.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1580s, from Latin roseus (see rose (n.1)) + -ate.


a. Like the rose flower; pink; rosy.


adj. having a dusty purplish pink color; "the roseate glow of dawn" [syn: rose, rosaceous]


Roseate, literally rose-colored, rosy, is used in the names of the following animals:

  • Roseate cockatoo
  • Roseate frog
  • Roseate skimmer
  • Roseate spoonbill
  • Roseate tern

Usage examples of "roseate".

Into the flood were dipped the ten roseate toes of the Queen of Borlien.

The affair of the roseate spoonbills and the trouble with the Audubon Society meant precisely nothing except, as M had said, that a lot of old women had got excited about some pink storks.

At the eastern end of the island, the mass of birds, Louisiana herons, pelicans, avocets, sandpipers, egrets, flamingoes and the few roseate spoonbills, went on with building, their nests or fished in the shallow waters of the lake.

The roseate spoonbills have become one of the bird wonders of the world.

Light and darkness were struggling together, and the orient was streaked by roseate and golden rays.

The sun set in calm majesty behind the misty summits of the Apennines, and its golden and roseate hues painted the mountains of the opposite shore.

A fountain of light arose in an increasing stream from the east, behind the waves of the Adriatic, changing the grey to a roseate hue, and then flooding sky and sea with aerial gold.

His thoughts were vague and roseate and at first he had no desire to establish any logical connection with reality.

And at last the strawberry glass perpetually bathed the town in roseate warmth, carpeted the world in pink sunrise, and made the cut lawn seem imported from some Persian rug bazaar.

There are things concerning it which, even at this late day, when their roseate hue glows but dimly in the blue retrospect of the past, - it would seem sacrilege for me to mention to another.

While this pastime went on, the sun, large and red, reached the horizon, and diffused a roseate light over the entire ocean.

At the farthest tip, near Cape Sable, the sky flashed with wild birds: herons, curlews, ibises, blue egrets, white pelicans, sandpipers and a few roseate spoonbills.

And by the time you finished paddlingat Cape Sable or Snake Bight or the Ten Thousand Islandsyou would have also been among roseate spoonbills and white pelicans, eels and mangrove snakes, sawfish and redfish and crusty loggerhead turtles.

When they kissed, a charge went round the room, a brief roseate glow upon the genitals of everyone present.

Bloom, Theatre, bloom, in the roseate blushes Of beauty illumed by a love-breathing smile!