Crossword clues for rorippa
Rorippa is a flowering plant genus in the mustard family, Brassicaceae, native to Europe through central Asia, Africa, and North America. Rorippa species are annual to perennial herbs, usually with yellow flowers and a peppery flavour. They are known commonly as yellowcresses.
Rorippa formerly included several species of watercress, now placed in the genus Nasturtium. In particular, R. nasturtium-aquaticum (now N. officinale) and R. microphylla (now N. microphyllum) are often referred to as species of Rorippa.
There are about 75 to 85 species in the genus.
Species include:
- Rorippa alpina (S.Wats.) Rydb. – alpine yellowcress
- Rorippa amphibia (L.) Bess. – great yellowcress
- Rorippa aquatica – lakecress
- Rorippa austriaca (Crantz) Bess. – Austrian yellowcress, Austrian fieldgrass
- Rorippa barbareifolia (DC.) Kitagawa – hoary yellowcress
- Rorippa benghalensis
- Rorippa calycina (Engel.) Rydb. – persistent-sepal yellowcress
- Rorippa cantoniensis – Chinese yellowcress
- Rorippa columbiae (Suksd. ex B.L.Rob.) Suksd. ex Howell – Columbian yellowcress, Columbia watercress
- Rorippa crystallina – MacKenzie River yellowcress
- Rorippa curvipes Greene – bluntleaf yellowcress
- Rorippa curvisiliqua (Hook.) Besser ex Britton – curvepod yellowcress, western yellowcress
- Rorippa dubia
- Rorippa elata
- Rorippa globosa – globe yellowcress
- Rorippa indica Hiern. – variableleaf yellowcress
- Rorippa intermedia – intermediate yellowcress
- Rorippa islandica – northern yellowcress, northern marsh yellowcress
- Rorippa microtitis – Chihuahuan yellowcress
- Rorippa palustris (L.) Bess. – common yellowcress, yellow watercress, marshcress
- Rorippa portoricensis – Puerto Rico yellowcress
- Rorippa ramosa – Durango yellowcress
- Rorippa sarmentosa (G.Forst. ex DC) J.F.Macbr. – longrunner
- Rorippa sessiliflora – stalkless yellowcress
- Rorippa sinuata (Nutt.) Hitchc. – spreading yellowcress, west yellowcress
- Rorippa sphaerocarpa (A.Gray) Britton – roundfruit yellowcress
- Rorippa subumbellata Rollins – Tahoe yellowcress, Lake Tahoe yellowcress
- Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Bess. – creeping yellowcress, yellow fieldcress, keek
- Rorippa tenerrima – Modoc yellowcress
- Rorippa teres – southern marsh yellowcress