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Rootwater was a Polish nu metal band, formed in Warsaw, Poland in 2002 by Sebastian Zusin, Tomasz "Yońca" Jońca and Paweł Jurkowski. Soon, Maciej Taff has joined the band as a vocalist. In their music there are many hardcore, trash, folk and punk, or even ambient influences clearly hearable. The name of the band comes from a Magic: The Gathering card captioned "Rootwater Commando". The band is famous for their psychedelic, technically perfect album covers. Many critics are comparing Rootwater's music to System of a Down's music, which is probably caused by a similar use of native "folkish" melodies by both groups. Rootwater's vocalist, Maciej Taff usually sings in English, but some songs refer to Hebrew ( Hava Nagila), or are sung in traditional Roma language (Caje Sukarije), Polish, or French (Climchoque).