n. (obsolete spelling of roof English)
Usage examples of "roofe".
This Gardener accustomed to drive me, every morning laded with hearbes to the next Village, and when he had sold his hearbes, hee would mount upon my backe and returne to the Garden, and while he digged the ground and watered the hearbes, and went about other businesse, I did nothing but repose my selfe with great ease, but when Winter approached with sharpe haile, raine and frosts, and I standing under a hedge side, was welnigh killed up with cold, and my master was so poore that he had no lodging for himselfe, much lesse had he any littor or place to cover me withall, for he himselfe alwayes lay under a little roofe shadowed with boughes.
This Gardener accustomed to drive me, every morning laded with hearbes to the next Village, and when he had sold his hearbes, hee would mount upon my backe and returne to the Garden, and while he digged the ground and watered the hearbes, and went about other businesse, I did nothing but repose my selfe with great ease, but when Winter approached with sharpe haile, raine and frosts, and I standing under a hedge side, was welnigh killed up with cold, and my master was so poore that he had no lodging for himselfe, much lesse had he any littor or place to cover me withall, for he himselfe alwayes lay under a little roofe shadowed with boughes.
The rowme was large and wide,As it some Gyeld or solemne Temple weare:Many great golden pillours did vpbeareThe massy roofe, and riches huge sustayne,And euery pillour decked was full deareWith crownes and Diademes, & titles vaine,Which mortall Princes wore, whiles they on earth did rayne.
Soone after that into a golden showreHim selfe he chaung'd faire Danaƫ to vew,And through the roofe of her strong brasen towreDid raine into her lap an hony dew,The whiles her foolish garde, that little knewOf such deceipt, kept th'yron dore fast bard,And watcht, that none should enter nor issew.