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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Everyone was in a circle now, dancing to a rollicking tune played by the small band, and changing partners.
▪ His Hal would be no rollicking dropout.
▪ It is a rollicking mock-heroic farce that burlesques the affectations of Restoration and post-Restoration heroic drama with all its bombast and extravagance.
▪ The Kirk's answer to the rollicking rabbis was of course Revd James Currie.
▪ The stained-glass knights and their ladies looked down their noses at us rollicking serfs.
▪ They played it as a duet, perfectly teamed, at the fast pace the piece demanded, rollicking and dramatic.
▪ This is all good rollicking fun, though never quite clean.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rollic \Rol"lic\ (r[o^]l"l[i^]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rollicked (-l[i^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. Rollicking.] To move or play in a careless, swaggering manner, with a frolicsome air; to frolic; to sport; commonly in the form rollicking. [Colloq.]

He described his friends as rollicking blades.
--T. Hook.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1811, present participle adjective from rollick "be jovial in behavior" (though this does not appear in print until 1826), which perhaps is a blend of roll (v.) and frolic (v.).

  1. carefree, merry and boisterous n. (context UK English) A scolding, a bollocking. v

  2. (present participle of rollick English)


adj. given to merry frolicking; "frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes" [syn: coltish, frolicsome, frolicky, sportive]

Usage examples of "rollicking".

Then there was a lighthearted rollicking essay on Life in Our Times, but by the time I had hit the thirty-six ball-less wonders who watched Catherine Genovese get knifed to death in New York, my rollick was a bit strained.

He was rollicking, noisy, good-natured, but under the boyish veneer was a hard indomitable nature.

Surely not against the genial obliging rollicking Irish lad whose face I shave every other morning.

He had hardly expected to see her here in this rollicking, rustic gathering.

A clumsy grappling commenced in the front seat of the Galaxie, alert vehicles in the immediate vicinity opening a discreet cushion of space around the rollicking car.

He smiled as he walked back to the fort, and even found himself whistling gayly a snatch from a rollicking fiddletune that he had heard when a boy.

Charisma, Fu and Pig Bodine came rollicking out of a grocery store up on the West Side, yelling football signals and tossing a poor-looking eggplant about under the lights of Broadway.

While around them something of the sort was in fact going on: for here was the Whole Sick Crew, was it not, linked maybe by a spectral chain and rollicking along over some moor or other.

He remembered rollicking down the hill to Strait Street, well past midnight, singing old vaudeville songs.

Liverpool he showed none of it, rollicking along unperturbed, cock-a-hoop.

Ranulf celebrated their marriage amid the rollicking festivities of Twelfth Night.

Over the roar of anger that filled his ears, he also heard the rollicking laughter of the sailors.

There was, I felt, quite a swing about that first stanza--a joyous and rollicking note of comradeship.

Add Spode, strong and silent, Madeline Bassett, mournful and drooping, Gussie, also apparently mournful, and Stiffy, who seemed to be in a kind of daydream, and you had something resembling a wake of the less rollicking type.

In the center of the marketplace was a platform where an ensemble of musicians played rollicking airs on horns, doodlesacks, fipple-flut.