Röhrmoos is a municipality in the district of Dachau in Bavaria in Germany. It is located ca. 25 km northwest of München.
Röhrmoos has 14 lots (Gemarkungen):
- Arzbach (originally Arruzzapah)
- Biberbach (originally Piparpah)
- Durchsamsried (originally Urchaim)
- Großinzemoos (originally Inzimos)
- Kleininzemoos
- Mariabrunn (originally Prunna)
- Purtlhof (originallyPurtalahova)
- Riedenzhofen (originally Hruodineshofen)
- Röhrmoos Dorf (Roraga mussea) and Station
- Rudelzhofen (Rudalhouen)
- Schillhofen (originally Shilinhofen)
- Schönbrunn (originally Prunnon)
- Sigmertshausen (originally Sigmaneshusir)
- Zieglberg (originally Zieglstadlpersonal and Jägerhaus)