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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Roguish \Rogu"ish\, a.

  1. Vagrant. [Obs.]

    His roguish madness Allows itself to anything.

  2. Resembling, or characteristic of, a rogue; knavish.

  3. Pleasantly mischievous; waggish; arch.

    The most bewitching leer with her eyes, the most roguish cast.
    --Dryden. [1913 Webster] -- Rogu"ish*ly, adv. -- Rogu"ish*ness, n.


adv. In a roguish manner

  1. adv. like a dishonest rogue; "he roguishly intended to keep the money"

  2. in a playfully roguish manner; "he winked at her roguishly"

Usage examples of "roguishly".

Buffo the Great, the terrible Buffo, hilarious, appalling, devastating Buffo with his round, white face and the inch-wide rings of rouge round his eyes, and his four-cornered mouth, like a bow tie, and, mockery of mockeries, under his roguishly cocked, white, conical cap, he wears a wig that does not simulate hair.

The eloquent trifler, whose stock of words has been accumulated by a pair of light fingers, would stand denuded of his plausible pretences as soon as it were seen how roguishly he came by his eloquence.

He touched the yellow silk handkerchief bound so piratically around his head, and he looked roguishly around at Cobber-Hume and said: "Yo-ho-ho, eh,baik sobat ?

I asked Jenks, and he grinned, roguishly tugging his cap lower over his eyes.