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rocket ship

alt. 1 A spacecraft propelled by a rocket engine. 2 A ship armed with rockets. n. 1 A spacecraft propelled by a rocket engine. 2 A ship armed with rockets.

Usage examples of "rocket ship".

Nothing in a rocket ship, thirty seconds in a pleasure car, a ten minute crawl in a steel snail, fifteen minutes to trained troops in good condition.

His brothers and sisters were found in every rocket ship, private and commercial, passenger-carrying or unmanned, that cleft the skies of earth.

He took it for granted that by the time he was ready there would be a chance to practice his engineering skill in a rocket ship in space.

But Gibbons was an expert of rare ability and sensitivity in the handling of a rocket ship, and he managed, with the aid of his delicate instruments, to sense the drifts almost before they affected the fine ultron wire, and to neutralize them with little shifts in the position of the ship.

Jim Whitney was a victim to the prevailing delusion of his time -that to build a successful rocket ship all you had to do was to pour enough money and man-hours into it.

He was hiding in the tail section of the Space Queen, the first rocket ship to!

Estimate the time it would take a 300-ton rocket ship with half-filled tanks, cruising at the most economical speed to make a trip from Titan to Venus-port, (a) Estimate size and maximum capacity of fuel tanks, (b) Give estimate of speed ship would utilize.

When she turned him' down again he had refused to allow her to leave the rocket ship.

The Patrol Rocket Ship Simon Bolivar, transport, was at Santa Barbara Field, having discharged a battalion of Space Marines, but P.