a. surrounded by rocks
adj. abounding in or bordered by rocky cliffs or scarps; "the rock-ribbed coast of Maine" [syn: rock-ribbed]
Rockbound is a novel published in 1928 by Canadian writer Frank Parker Day.
Usage examples of "rockbound".
The princess gradually absorbed the fact that she was in a high, rockbound vale.
Moonshaes are connected below the surface of the sea by the rockbound trails of the dwarves.
True to her prediction, the humans and dwarves quickly adapted to the light, and they wasted no time in moving into a rockbound valley.
The paths of the Rockbound Ways guided him, and he knew that he followed close upon the heels of those he hated, those who had rendered upon him the intolerable insult of his missing hand.
The smallest skillfully captured the head of the team, steering it to a rough collision in the rockbound briar patch.
Mostly flyers the size of my outstretched palms, although one I discovered was rockbound, a fronded mouth like a blue-lipped clam that puffed a steamy breath at me as I pulled over an overhang.
The rest of the coastline was rockbound, unprotected from the fury of the sea.
He waved his hand once again toward the rockbound lairs of the savage Irtimen.
I picture myself living in some Norwegian sater, high above the black waters of a rockbound fiord.
John Hiram Gilbreth died in 1871, leaving his three-year-old son, two older daughters, and a stern and rockbound widow.
There could be no stillness where the sea broke upon the rockbound shore.
And he had gone on to talk about surf-boarding among the rocks, nude parties on a rockbound coast where the Pacific rollers swept in from the China Sea five thousand miles and more away, fishing and hunting and camping on the shores of lonely inlets.
His features were as craggy and deeply tanned as the rockbound cliffs overlooking the San Pedro.
He had situated himself so that he could see the rockbound man, to whom from time to time he called taunting words.
But it was either learn to operate cages or languish rockbound for the rest of his life.