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rock shelter

n. (context archaeology English) A shallow cave-like opening at the base of a bluff or cliff, frequent location of prehistoric archeological site.

Rock shelter

A rock shelter (also known as a rockhouse, crepuscular cave, or abri) is a shallow cave-like opening at the base of a bluff or cliff.

Usage examples of "rock shelter".

The only thing that saved them from starvation was a large cache of pine nuts stored by squirrels in the lower rock shelter that a young girl happened to find.

Winking at Crow Caller as the old man cast a gleaming black eye on the rock shelter, Raven Hunter turned away.

When he got back to the rock shelter he found that Willis had come down from the hutted camp.

The next day, he watched the ladynow garbed in the more practical peasant clothesand her children set off with those of his wounded he was sending back to the rock shelter.

Thelon reported that it ended at a small outpost, a simple rock shelter carved into the stone.

He joined them in the rock shelter, breathing heavily, the machine gun held at the ready across his chest.

He hoped Pungushe, the poacher, would come again to the rock shelter and that he could interpret the symbols and accept the gift.

The site of Meadowcroft Rock Shelter in Pennsylvania, USA, dates to circa 17,000 years ago.

He jumped to his feet and strode to the entrance of the rock shelter.

Wherever they found a rock shelter or cave in the side of a hill or kopje, there were usually whimsical, vividly coloured paintings decorating the rock walls, and fairly recent hearths on which charcoal fragments showed how the little people had cooked their quarry, and discarded the bones on the midden piles nearby.