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rock cake

alt. A kind of small British fruitcake with a rough surface resembling a rock. n. A kind of small British fruitcake with a rough surface resembling a rock.

rock cake

n. a small cake with a hard surface said to resemble a rock

Rock cake

A rock cake, also called a rock bun, is a small, hard fruit cake with a rough surface resembling a rock.

Rock cakes originated in Great Britain, where they are a traditional teatime treat, but are now popular in many parts of the world. They were promoted by the Ministry of Food during the Second World War since they require fewer eggs and less sugar than ordinary cakes, an important savings in a time of strict rationing. Traditional recipes bulked them with oatmeal, which was more readily available than white flour.

Usage examples of "rock cake".

She went back to squatting, and I went back to my rock cake, which was even harder than the rock cake Id had at the Prayers for the RAF Service and Baked Goods Sale, and thought about the bishops bird stump.

Its tiny tongue rasping the parquet floor, collecting the few crumbs of rock cake that remained.

Carla accepted a rock cake, thick with currants and still warm from the oven.

I had brought with me a rock cake which I had pocketed while having tea with Grandmamma the day before.