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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Robustly \Ro*bust"ly\, adv. In a robust manner.


adv. In a robust manner.


adv. in a robust manner; "he was robustly built"

Usage examples of "robustly".

Then Wang Lung set himself robustly to the soil and he begrudged even the hours he must spend in the house for food and sleep.

When O-lan had come to his house it was health to his flesh and he lusted for her robustly as a beast for its mate and he took her and was satisfied and he forgot her and did his work content.

Squatter, wider, robustly boned, they were a mix of Imass and Toblakai.

Paran and Quick Ben, followed by a short, robustly muscled woman with black hair.

No fair-haired Apollo could begin to compare with this large, robustly handsome man.

Mappo Runt followed it with relentless eyes the colour of sand, eyes set deep in a robustly boned, pallid face.

It was too early for the crowd, but bricklayers and their families, laden with huge lunch-baskets and armfuls of babies, were already going in--a healthy, husky race of workmen, well-paid and robustly fed.

It was smaller and more robustly built than a choluub, and rode the air by means of not one but three gas bladders.

Of course, the kinetic energies involved would be so great as to destroy any of our ships also, you understand, no matter how robustly designed.

Built in a jaunty domestic style, like cottages blown up to the scale of hospitals or sanitoria, these were exceedingly ornate and elaborate structures, among the largest and most complicated ever built of wood, with wandering rooflines robustly punctuated with towers and turrets and every other mark of architectural busyness the Victorian mind could devise.