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Robing room

Robing \Rob"ing\, n. The act of putting on a robe.

Robing room, a room where official robes are put on, as by judges, etc.

Usage examples of "robing room".

Her chamber remained cool, and she set the hat on the flat suiface in the robing room, then began to wash up, getting rid of as much dust as she could.

Instead, she would work her way to the small robing room behind the Authority Chambers, hiding in the walls until after the Porsa left.

There is a flagstone with a ring bolt in robing room to right of altar.

He was vibrating again, as he had in the robing room, his whole body in the grip of a palsy of terror.

I need all priests of the rank of Trusted Servant or greater to assemble in the Robing Room, Watchful Brothers, guard the doors of the temple.

The wizard took the door on the left, into the Argent Robing Room, and reached for a fine chain on his belt that held a certain key.

She pulled the robing room door closed behind her and kicked off her shoes.

He fumbled awkwardly with the handle and stumbled into the Robing Room.