The robin-chats are small insectivorous birds in the genera Cossyphicula and Cossypha. They were formerly in the thrush family Turdidae, but are now more often treated as part of the Old World flycatcher Muscicapidae.
These are African woodland dwelling species, but some have become adapted to sites around human habitation.
The name Cossypha for the genus was introduced by the Irish zoologist Nicholas Aylward Vigors in 1825. The word comes from the Classical Greek kossuphos for a blackbird or thrush.
The genus contains the following species:
- Mountain robin-chat, Cossypha isabellae
- Archer's ground robin, Cossypha archeri
- Olive-flanked ground robin, Cossypha anomala
- Cape robin-chat, Cossypha caffra
- White-throated robin-chat, Cossypha humeralis
- Angolan cave chat, Cossypha ansorgei
- Grey-winged robin-chat, Cossypha polioptera
- Blue-shouldered robin-chat, Cossypha cyanocampter
- Rüppell's robin-chat, Cossypha semirufa
- White-browed robin-chat, Cossypha heuglini
- Red-capped robin-chat, Cossypha natalensis
- Chorister robin-chat, Cossypha dichroa
- White-headed robin-chat, Cossypha heinrichi
- Snowy-crowned robin-chat, Cossypha niveicapilla
- White-crowned robin-chat, Cossypha albicapilla