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a. Of or pertaining to rivers or their surrounding environments.

Usage examples of "riverain".

For a while Sumner had complied, meandering along the borders of a riverain forest, secretly peering through grease fires at jumbled frond-huts and the grotesquely misshapen bodies of distorts.

For three days and nights the riverain forest jangled with the festal sounds of kettledrums, wood clappers, harps and flutes and frenzied laughter.

He taught us the ways of the riverain forest and the desert so that we could eat again and make houses and, if necessary, kill to protect ourselves.

Ardent Fang stood and stretched, gazing beyond the green jumble of the riverain forest to where the land slurred to desert.

The simian faces reminded him of Sarina in the riverain forest to the north.

The country and the chief of this family were simultaneously informed of the existence of one Lieutenant Crossjay Patterne, of the corps of the famous hard fighters, through an act of heroism of the unpretending cool sort which kindles British blood, on the part of the modest young officer, in the storming of some eastern riverain stronghold, somewhere about the coast of China.

In its schools and the riverain villas of the deep south, where its scholars and philosophers took their leisure, there still bloomed some late roses of that summer.

A syndicate formed by an entrepreneur, Defer de La Nouerre, to divert a tributary of the Seine, the Yvette, to a new canal provoked violent opposition from all the riverain parishes along its course.

For three days and nights the riverain forest jangled with the festal sounds of kettledrums, wood clappers, harps and flutes and frenzied laughter.