Crossword clues for rips
- Criticizes, so to speak
- Copies from a CD, in slang
- Clothing mishaps
- Clothes woes
- What some jeans are sold with
- What patches repair
- Well-worn jeans may have some
- Vituperates, with "into''
- Van Winkle et al
- Undesirable or desirable jeans features
- Turbulent currents
- Tricky currents
- Tough currents
- Torn and Van Winkle
- Torn and tide, e.g
- Tights mishaps
- Tidal flows
- Tears, as paper
- Tears violently
- Tears inelegantly
- Tears in paper
- Tears (up)
- Tears (apart)
- Stretches of rough water
- Splits, as one's pants
- Spends three hours thinking about how cool Christmas lights are, say
- Shows off guitar prowess
- Rushes, resounds, or rents
- Puts asunder
- Patch targets
- Pants mishaps
- Material flaws
- Lambastes verbally
- Knocks (off)
- Jeans tears
- Jeans mishaps
- Insults unmercifully, with "into"
- Insults savagely, with "into"
- Insults savagely
- Holes in jeans
- Forgoes the scissors
- Features of trendy jeans
- Features of distressed jeans
- Cuts, as a fart
- Cuts with the grain
- Cuts along the grain
- Critiques harshly
- Criticizes, informally
- Criticizes savagely
- Copies, as a CD
- Copies to a hard drive, in a way
- Copies digitally
- Common sights at pants knees
- Cheats, with "off"
- Bad things for astronaut suits to have
- Attacks, with "into"
- Attacks verbally (with "into")
- ___ off (swindles)
- ___ into (attacks)
- __ off (cheats)
- __ into (attacks)
- Torn and tide, e.g.
- Vituperates, with "into"
- Splits sans scissors
- Hightails it
- Tears apart
- Home run swings
- Laces (into)
- Manhandles
- Saws with the grain
- Places for patches
- Castigates
- They may be put in stitches
- Lights (into)
- Slangy insults
- Criticizes harshly
- Tatters
- Criticizes in no uncertain terms
- Slams
- Features of some jeans
- Rents
- Copies from CD to PC
- Makes cool, in a way, as jeans
- "Steals, with "off"
- Tears asunder
- Rough waters
- Criticizes hard
- Attackeds, with "into"
- Tears out stitching
- Saws wood lengthwise
- Unseams
- Worn-out horses
- Rushes headlong
- Unsews
- Turgid waters
- ___ off (cheats)
- Not silent tears
- Inscriptions on gravestone causing tears
- Tears into shreds
- Certain tides
- Speaks ill of
- Criticizes severely
- Lays into
- Tears up
- Tears to shreds
- Severely criticizes
- Tears roughly
- Opens, as a sugar packet
- Fabric flaws
- Jobs for tailors
- Wardrobe malfunctions
- Turbulent waters
- Tears in two
- Reduces to tatters
- Pants problems
- Dangerous currents
- Upholstery problems
- Torn and Taylor
- Steals, with "off"
- Saws along the grain
- Gift-wrapping mishaps
- Features of some trendy jeans
Rips is the debut studio album by American indie rock band Ex Hex. It was released on October 7, 2014 by Merge Records.
RIPS is a static code analysis tool to automatically detect taint-style vulnerabilities in PHP applications. The initial version was written in PHP and released during the Month of PHP Security in May 2010 as open source software. A new rewritten version is available as cloud and standalone product that overcomes fundamental limitations of the open source version.
Usage examples of "rips".
She clutched Rips hand like a hot vice, tugging him along, one way, then another.
He explained about Rips parents, glossing over the details of their death, then rapidly assured him Lorrie was safe in Lands End.
The dark, boiling storm, the rips of lightning, the swirl of roaring wind as the sea opened like a hungry mouth and swallowed the island whole.
He was wearing a pair of green overalls that had seen better days, with oil stains and rips in the knees.
He engaged the eyes of the woman in white, floating superimposed upon the black backdrop like an angel of death and desire, her flesh showing sleek and gleaming through the rips in her gown like the skin of a succulent.