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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ripely \Ripe"ly\, adv. Maturely; at the fit time.


adv. 1 In a ripe way. 2 maturely; at the suitable time


adv. with mature or developed appearance

Usage examples of "ripely".

It was a small mouth, with the pulp of the unpainted lips so bulgingly, ripely plump she had the look of getting ready to whistle.

They looked like a food crop, ripely edible -- though probably not to humans.

He'd searched among half the sculptors in Tormalin before fixing on one he felt both skilled and pious enough to craft the Harvest Queen's ripely beautiful figure, her serene and mature face crowned with wheat, autumn fruits spilling from her cupped hands.

And the second day they were deep in open fields where patches of self-sown grain rippled ripely under the sun.