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a. like a ring; round or nearly so.


adj. having the shape of a ring

Usage examples of "ringlike".

On closer inspection I saw that the blotch was a slightly raised, ringlike rash.

As Data stood up from his post and turned, a ringlike device materialized on the deck beside him, so unidentifiable that nobody did anything but stare at it for an important second.

All around its rim is a ringlike suspensory ligament, which joins it to a portion of the choroid layer immediately behind the iris.

They discovered that the crico id cartilage, which is the ringlike structure of cartilage below the thyroid, was broken in two places.

The first and most common is nothing more than a metal bar, that can fit onto the hand, connected with four ringlike holes for the fingers.

This elevation quickly takes the shape of a ringlike wave, which rolls off in every direction from its point of origin.

It had a long narrow head with a conical snout, narrowing in ringlike stages.

No one could say whether the senders had ringlike chromosomes themselves, or whether they were just depicting what they guessed to be either the universal ancestral or most-common kind.

Steep slopes ringed that water on the near sides, tall warrior pines marching up them to stand in file at the crest like the soldiers for which they were named, the sparse cones of branches at their summits for helms and the curling strips of hard gray bark that frayed from their trunks in ringlike semicircles for mail.

Data stood up from his post and turned, a ringlike device materialized on the deck beside him, so unidentifiable that nobody did anything but stare at it for an important second.