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alt. To remove the bark from a tree in a ring all the way around its trunk, normally killing the tree (because nutrients are carried through the phloem, the layers immediately under the bark, which layers are damaged by the process). vb. To remove the bark from a tree in a ring all the way around its trunk, normally killing the tree (because nutrients are carried through the phloem, the layers immediately under the bark, which layers are damaged by the process).

Usage examples of "ringbark".

There was a tree falling, one of the great, gaunt, naked things that had been ringbarked long ago.

Ben rode back, through the moonlight and the moon-shadow haunted paddocks, and the naked, white, ringbarked trees, along Snakes Creek, parallel with the main road he had recently travelled till he struck Pipeclay Creek again lower down.

In an orchard, peasants worked under Colonial guns, ringbarking the trees and piling burning bundles of straw against their roots.