n. (plural of rimmer English)
Usage examples of "rimmers".
He had been on his first solo trek over the Rimmers, excited to be promoted from apprentice to master hunter, rilled with a spirit of freedom and adventure, for now he was one of the few Sixers licensed to roam wherever he wished, even far beyond the settled Slope.
The species did not exist in the stagnant weather shadow beyond the Rimmers, where a vast plain of poison grass stretched most of the way to the Gray Hills.
She had pursued it from the southern marshes to the Rimmers, rescued it from a greedy mule-spider, won it with her sweat, suffering, and dreams.
To a sky-being like herself, they were all the same, whichever side of the Rimmers they led their dirt-scratching lives.
It was like waving a lure above this part of the Rimmers, calling down an ill wind.
The Rimmers were a phalanx of giant soldiers, their armored shells blushing before the lowering sun.