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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rigidly \Rig"id*ly\, v. In a rigid manner; stiffly.


adv. In a rigid manner; stiffly.


adv. in a rigid manner; "the body was rigidly erect"; "ge sat bolt upright" [syn: stiffly, bolt]

Usage examples of "rigidly".

His erection was a pale, smooth column arching rigidly up to his navel.

Sitting rigidly upright in his chair, supporting himself with both hands, Felix Blau regarded him imploringly.

Forms are rigidly insisted upon, and the reputation of the church for exclusiveness is so well known that those in the humbler walks of life shrink from entering its doors.

The rest of the insect-person extruded itself, hung rigidly horizontal from the lip of the tube by the claspers at the tip of its elongated abdomen, and let itself drop lightly on all fours to the ground.

Dhalla stood impassively on guard behind them, standing rigidly to attention with her spear in her hand, but that appearance was let down by the much tinier figure of Merel Zabio, who stood beside her in a calculatedly negligent slouch.

Ham-hock Piney remained rigidly silent, too scared to even tremble as lustily as he would have liked.

It is found in practice that the stresses on the several members do not differ sensibly whether these members are pinned together with a single pin or more rigidly jointed by several bolts or rivets.

For about a thousand years, as Quant rigidly demonstrated, there should have been a surplus of psychosocial energy, due to the abandonment of all hope of star-travel.

The men of Joy Hall, all that he could see, stood rigidly, arms at their sides, facing the screen but with eyes clinched shut.

It may be urged that many of the stories here narrated come from remote times, and, as the testimony for these cannot be rigidly studied, that the old unauthenticated stories clash with the analogous tales current on better authority in our own day.

His Eraasian prisoner of war, silent and nervous-looking, sat rigidly upright on one of the uncushioned ocherwood side chairs a foot or so away.

It seemed unlikely that an abandoned house would have been left with all shades down, or, if it had, that all of them would still be rigidly fastened, unflapped and untorn by winds over the years, undamaged by whatever stones or other vicissitudes of time had breached most of their glass.

What did he have in common with this Cain come to judgment, this bemedaled swaggering boor who rejoiced in having reduced all the subtleties of conscious thought to rigidly simple, unavoidable alternatives: kill or be killed!

And the business of rigidly centralized planning of research prevented the inspired laboratory anarchy which has been so instrumental in the rapid development of biochemically based research in the last decades.

He screamed as though tortured, his claws rigidly extended, his mouth a smile of fangs.