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vb. To make rigid, to cause to be or become rigid.

  1. v. become rigid; "The body rigidified"

  2. make rigid and set into a conventional pattern; "rigidify the training schedule"; "ossified teaching methods"; "slogans petrify our thinking" [syn: ossify, petrify]

  3. [also: rigidified]

Usage examples of "rigidify".

Down the side-streets they could see the great viscous mass lifting over the rooftops, flowing through the gutted buildings which in turn helped to rigidify them.

Rather than endure such intolerable psychological processes, the group rigidifies its skin surface, its skin ego, by persecuting the hated but boundary-defining surfaces of the denied and despised other.

An internal pulse from its linked chain of power glands generates an energy field that rigidifies its semicrystalline cell structure, locking it in that form: a meter of it extends from his right fist, tipped with a double-handspan blade.

The same field that rigidifies the amphistaff extends a fractional millimeter beyond the blade, giving it an edge no thicker than an atomic diameter.

Ricardo had rigidified his objective findings into a straitjacket for society.

Once he rigidified the finger it became the barrel of a needle dart gun.

The Culture-State-Nation-Religion-Race-People of the Jew is a product of a Culture which was already completed and rigidified by the time of our Gothic period.

He sat with a posture of prim stiffness as though repeated maternal advice in his younger years concerning the desirability of good posture had rigidified his spine forever.

They rigidified the codification of sex and gender, labeling those who dared to deviate from these codes or even fantasize about something different perverts and hysterics.

And then, by some secret of their art, their limbs rigidified, became sharply angular, and suddenly they were a cube, a Chinese puzzle of interlocking pieces.

It laughed deep in its throat, a chilling cackle of pure, dark delight, and its pleasure in the promised Armageddon was so intense that for a moment it overcame the rigidifying grip of the drug.

The rigidifying conditions around them are ill-suited to their need for autonomy, and they both give up on their chosen professions, retreating to the obscure periphery of their society.

An internal pulse from its linked chain of power glands generates an energy field that rigidifies its semicrystalline cell structure, locking it in that form: a meter of it extends from his right fist, tipped with a double-handspan blade.

The same field that rigidifies the amphistaff extends a fractional millimeter beyond the blade, giving it an edge no thicker than an atomic diameter.

She walks over to the crouching girl, holds the open bag like a waiting basket beneath the child's chin with her left hand, and rigidifies the edge of her phase-shifted right hand and all of her forearm into a cutting blade not much duller than the monofilament wire still hanging over the river.