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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rightfully \Right"ful*ly\, adv. According to right or justice.


adv. 1 In accordance with what is right or just; fairly. 2 rightly, correctly.


adv. by right; "baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime" [syn: truly]

Usage examples of "rightfully".

His badgeless uniform was shabby, but he seemed clear-eyed and quick to answer, not as if he were someone rightfully grounded.

This hostile invader has captured the holy city of Darre which rightfully belongs to those of us who profess the true faith.

As an emancipist Mary rightfully belonged two social ranks further down the ladder.

Some, too, have told at whiles that rightfully Its warefulness, Its care, this planet lost When in her early growth and crudity By bad mad acts of severance men contrived, Working such nescience by their own device.

With a cold clutch of dweomer knowledge, Nevyn knew that soon he would be watching two men fight over a woman that neither could rightfully have.

Rightfully, having such a timeless life, this King weareth on his thumb that worm Ouroboros which doctors have from of old made for an ensample of eternity, whereof the end is ever at the beginning and the beginning at the end for ever more.

Therefore, as soon as Claude and Bertrand have been reinherited under Scottish law, I intend that both the earldom and Penderleigh revert to them, just as it would have if the old earl had not cut Douglass out of what was rightfully his.

They put it on a strip of land rightfully repurchased from a white farmer.

Do you admit, then, that you have provided these to the rebels, in violation of agreements stating that the subregion known as China rightfully belongs to the Race?

Although Bartholomew of Triding has steadfastly over the years argued that the Oracle of Womanizers and Spies should rightfully occupy that position of preeminence, most serious historians place the latter in second position.

In a minute he would stand up and walk into the cellblock and Kane would be there, behind bars, where he rightfully belonged.

Christendom, while praying for peace and the conversion of the heathen, should gird itself for defense in the Northwest, where the hordes gather and the incidents of heathen savagery have lately increased, and upon each of you, beloved sons, who can bear arms and shall travel to the Northwest to join forces with those who prepare rightfully to defend their lands, homes, and churches, We extend, and hereby bestow, as a sign of Our special affection, the Apostolic Benediction.

Over the whole scene of rickyard, garden, outbuildings, horsepond and orchard, brooded that air which seems rightfully to belong to out-of-the-way farmyards, an air of wakeful dreaminess which suggests that here, man and beast and bird have got up so early that the rest of the world has never caught them up and never will.

Nor can he rightfully complain because the statute renders conclusive, after said hearing, the determination as to apportionment by the same body which levied the assessment.

That as Louisianians, as Southerners, as Americans, we proudly claim our share in the fame of Lee as an inheritance rightfully belonging to us, and endowed with which we shall piously cherish, though all calamities should rain upon us, true poverty--the poverty indeed that abases and starves the spirit can never approach us with its noisome breath and withering look.