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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
righteous angeroften disapproving (= anger felt when you think something should not be allowed to happen)
▪ The speech was full of righteous anger against the West.
righteous indignation
▪ He stormed into her office, full of righteous indignation.
▪ His anger at her rejection was the vicious, righteous anger of one who felt betrayed.
▪ Her righteous anger moved him, filled him with a weird sense of shame that jarred him.
▪ However, the milkman resolved not to let the fact that he had been back to sleep diminish his righteous anger.
▪ The great goddess Nemesis, which means righteous anger, undertook to bring this about.
▪ What most of us fear is the righteous anger of the under privileged.
▪ A look of despair, of righteous anger came over his face.
▪ Suddenly it was not the sunlight that made Polly glow but righteous indignation.
▪ Desperately he tried to relight the fires of righteous indignation.
▪ The Comintern expressed righteous indignation at such an attack, although eighteen months later it tacitly accepted all these points.
▪ I loved the little note of righteous indignation.
▪ He asked with no malice, with no thoughts of righteous indignation and she sensed this and answered his questions.
▪ There was much stamping of ministerial feet, but, sadly, this show of righteous indignation led to very little action.
▪ Farmers, full of righteous indignation, were insulted that their professionalism should be questioned.
▪ a righteous dude
▪ No matter how good and righteous you think your cause is, you cannot break the law.
▪ Burgess' illegal use of alcohol ran afoul of the code, a point the righteous Karnaugh was quite eager to make.
▪ Desperately he tried to relight the fires of righteous indignation.
▪ His anger at her rejection was the vicious, righteous anger of one who felt betrayed.
▪ I have seen eating obsessions up close before, but never one with such a strong sense of righteous healthiness.
▪ The Comintern expressed righteous indignation at such an attack, although eighteen months later it tacitly accepted all these points.
▪ There was much stamping of ministerial feet, but, sadly, this show of righteous indignation led to very little action.
▪ Who among us is so righteous that a sane society would entrust her with the power to obliterate a city?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Righteous \Right"eous\, a. [OE. rightways, rightwise, AS. rightw[=i]s; riht right + w[=i]s wise, having wisdom, prudent. See Right, a., Wise, a.] Doing, or according with, that which is right; yielding to all their due; just; equitable; especially, free from wrong, guilt, or sin; holy; as, a righteous man or act; a righteous retribution.

Fearless in his righteous cause.

Syn: Upright; just; godly; holy; uncorrupt; virtuous; honest; equitable; rightful.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 16c. alteration of rightwise, from Old English rihtwis, from riht (see right) + wis "wise, way, manner" (see wise (adj.)). Suffix altered by influence of courteous, etc. Meaning "genuine, excellent" is 1942 in jazz slang. Related: Righteously.

  1. 1 free from sin or guilt 2 moral and virtuous, suggesting sanctimonious 3 justified morally 4 (context slang US English) awesome v

  2. To make righteous; specifically, to justify religiously, to absolve from sin.

  1. adj. characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice; "the...prayer of a righteous man availeth much"- James 5:16 [ant: unrighteous]

  2. morally justified; "righteous indignation"

Righteous (album)

Righteous is the 1994 debut release by North Carolina funk band DAG.

Produced by Grammy nominated record producer & songwriter, John Custer, this work of 1970s-style solid beats and creative imagination received terrific reviews. A quote from VIBE Magazine hailed the album as " of the best funk records since 1978. DAG's debut, Righteous, is definitely some of the most ass-grinding grooves you've heard since back in the day." Featured songs include "Sweet Little Lass," "Righteous (City Pain)" and "Lovely Jane." Numerous additional musicians contribute to Righteous, including Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section drummer Roger Hawkins and jazz trumpeter Jeremy Davenport.

Usage examples of "righteous".

The advocate of equal rights is preoccupied by these opportunities for the abusive exercise of power, because from his point of view rights exercised in the interest of inequality have ceased to be righteous.

But was the righteous Ali Baba ready to take this earthenware cup that is now in his hands and smash it into bits against this nearby tent pole?

Wilberforce in righteous indignation, her massive breastworks rising under the flopping brown boucle dress like unscalable fortifications.

She radiated such assurance, and such righteous anger, that even Brode retreated a step as Shra walked to where he stood with Barsarbe.

The First ordered every able-bodied Cabalist to harry the invaders until they were a mile outside the city walls, and the righteous crusat raid on Cabal City ended in disaster.

Upside, enslaved here to the shackles of righteous employment, too tired to think straight, and Chyde is free as a bee down Southstairs, out of mortal company, light, and beauty.

Syn smiled and promised Cicely that although he could not stop preaching against this rascal, he would at least modify his righteous rage, adding in a more serious tone that perhaps in the near future it might not be necessary to preach upon that vein at all, since already it was evident that the Scarecrow was showing signs of repentance, and that he, as shepherd of the flock, hoped that he might be able to lead one more stray lamb into the fold.

So now, at a hint from Nana Sahib, the Dewan seized upon Ajeet, voicing a righteous indignation at his crime of decoity, and gave him the alternative of being strangled with a bow-string or forcing the Gulab to go to the camp of Amir Khan to betray him.

El Dorado in its righteous struggle against the invaders, and would sell it all the war materiel it needed.

No, we must attack now, before he awaits uscatch him unawares, overwhelm his guardsmenthey do not much outnumber you who are hereslay Ermanaric in one quick, clean blow, and afterward call a folkmoot to pick a new king who shall be righteous.

The Pharisees looked for a restoration of the righteous from their graves to a bodily life.

Justin and Gribble quailed before his raucous, righteous anger and authority.

But the main sinners, in the eyes of the righteous, were those who guzzled at every chance they could muster.

If you had killed him before I should have said nothing, but at Rome it is different, and you would have reason to repent of having indulged your righteous indignation.

And all through history it had been this way, Can-dace realized: that the crimes of the wicked paled into insignificance before the hecatombs piled up by the righteous, the self-appointed just.