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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a left-hand/right-hand bend (=going towards the left or the right)
▪ Take the turning just after the left-hand bend in the road.
left-hand/right-hand glove
▪ A left-hand glove was found at the scene of the crime.
right-hand drive
right-hand man
▪ John is Bill’s right-hand man and has put a lot of time into the team.
the left-hand/right-hand page
▪ The answers are on the right-hand page.
the left-hand/right-hand side of an equation
▪ Add up what you've got on the right-hand side of the equation.
the left-hand/right-hand side
▪ On the left-hand side list the skills and qualifications required for the job.
the right-hand margin (=on the right of the page)
▪ There were some notes written in the right-hand margin.
the right-hand/left-hand drawer
▪ Have you looked in the left-hand drawer?
the right/right-hand corner
▪ Put your address in the top right-hand corner of the page.
▪ A speck of grit danced over the time-segment at the lower right-hand corner, smearing the rolling figures.
▪ Six minutes later more water started leaking through the top right-hand corner of another window.
▪ His own likeness appears squeezed in above his initials in the right-hand corner.
▪ Bridges initiated the first, his break being well supported by Andrew Thomas who crossed in the right-hand corner.
▪ With four minutes to go, Stimpson dived over for his second try in the right-hand corner.
▪ He placed it so that it would shine into the right-hand corner of the wall by the fireplace.
▪ The technique is easy, as you can see in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture.
▪ Each one is labelled clearly with the title in large letters in the bottom right-hand corner.
▪ The cost of right-hand drive and extras will also be shown.
▪ Flynn was the nearest John had to a right-hand man.
▪ Sammy Williams was my trusted lieutenant, my right-hand man.
▪ Lord Tebbit, former Tory party chairman and right-hand man to Baroness Thatcher, is backing the plan.
▪ His former Sunderland boss has yet to appoint a right-hand man at Bristol City.
▪ Pallid and balding, Vladimiro Montesinos, 56, was Fujimori's intelligence chief and right-hand man.
▪ Though himself the king's cousin, Nithard had another patron too, the king's right-hand man, the seneschal Adalard.
▪ Next door to us lived Geoffrey Hamm, Mosley's right-hand man in the area.
▪ Male embryos form in the right-hand side of the womb, females in the left.
▪ The right-hand side of the balance sheet lists the various claims against these assets.
▪ The pulpit, instead of being central, was placed to the right-hand side, looking from the back pews.
▪ If the account is a right-hand side account, such as revenue, the opposite is true.
▪ The right-hand side provides a benchmark against which all portfolios may be assessed.
▪ By adding further words to the right-hand side of rules 4,5 and 6, they could produce hundreds of sentences.
▪ It had been placed on the right-hand side of the green, guarded by two bunkers.
▪ On the right-hand side write how you would begin the meeting; what you would actually say.
▪ He stopped for a red light, prepared to make a right-hand turn as soon as the arrow flicked green.
▪ Washington Avenue will be on your right-hand side.
▪ And the right-hand door was open, that seemed a bit odd.
▪ But the right-hand column was a record of growth, though of a very uneven kind.
▪ From the right-hand group of trees, he went into the front left-hand bunker.
▪ The man turns and trots away from me up the right-hand staircase from the mezzanine to the station platform.
▪ The resulting expression is and multiplying out the right-hand side we obtain the required trigonometrical relations.
▪ The top right-hand drawer of the desk contained the traditional little tin box and a pistol.
▪ The window itself has three buttons on the upper right-hand side of the frame.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Right-hand \Right"-hand`\, a.

  1. Situated or being on the right; nearer the right hand than the left; as, the right-hand side, room, or road.

  2. Chiefly relied on; almost indispensable.

    Mr. Alexander Truncheon, who is their right-hand man in the troop.

    Right-hand rope, a rope which is laid up and twisted with the sun, that is, in the same direction as plain-laid rope. See Illust. of Cordage.


a. 1 of, relating to, or located on the right 2 designed for use by the right hand 3 in the direction or orientation to the right-hand rule (a right-hand screw thread)

  1. adj. located on or directed toward the right; "a right-hand turn" [syn: right-hand(a)]

  2. intended for the right hand; "a right-hand glove" [syn: right(a), right-hand(a)]

  3. most helpful and reliable; "my right-hand man"

Usage examples of "right-hand".

The right-hand one, commissioned by my Grandmother Adelia, is of Colonel Parkman, a veteran of the last decisive battle fought in the American Revolution, that of Fort Ticonderoga, now in New York State.

I panned with the binos along the opposite side of the spur, starting from the far right-hand side.

In the lower right-hand corner there was an address on La Cienega Boulevard.

There were five stalls on the right-hand side and an ancient gasoline tractor parked on the left along with various attachments: a plow, a disker, a small utility trailer, and an old rotary hay mower.

He pointed, and along the right-hand edge of the oasis Domini saw grey, calm waters.

The left-handed fork disappeared quickly into the thick forest, but it was the right-handed branch to which Hades drew their attention.

In the right-hand screen, Silence saw the baffle curtain move slowly back, drawn by a homunculus the size of a small monkey.

The khagan sat on the right-hand one, which was higher than the other.

The night was now fast wearing away, when Crony again directed our attention to the right-hand corner of the room, where, just under the orchestra, appeared the elder sister of the notorious Harriette Wilson seated, and in close conversation with the Milesian M.

He reached left-handed for the wine, right-handed for the playscript, drawing both to him over the pegged tabletop.

John putts left-handed, though he hits the ball right-handed, a method I follow - if it can be called a method.

Upper-Right and Lower-Right quadrants as the Right-Hand path: the path of that which can be seen with the eye of flesh or its extensions.

Right-Hand quadrants are exteriors that can be described in it-language, I will sometimes count them as one major domain, the other two being the I-lan-guage of the Upper Left and the we-language of the Lower Left.

Saturday, 18870723:0542 He led woman and girl across the huge expanse of Gate Hall, between the great black cars waiting at the end of their silvery rails, to the right-hand gate on the opposite wall and through it to the executive suite via the new yellow room with its clothes hooks.

Latin histories are read, the Ramist scribbling Specials and Generals and watching his outline press relentlessly toward the right-hand margin while the Brunist only opens his great heart.