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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rifter \Rift"er\, n. A rafter. [Obs.]


n. (context obsolete English) A rafter.

Usage examples of "rifter".

Pacific tour, the rifter template had become fashionable among drybacks.

No reaction to rifter names, but horror and recognition at the thought of earthquakes and tidal waves and mysterious fires.

All of a sudden Vive found herself taking rifter chic very seriously indeed.

It was jam-packed with rifter wannabes and trapped pedestrians desperate to wait out the party.

EM signatures, too much shit in the water for anyone without the eyes and the instincts of a rifter to ever track her down.

The windows had been blacked out, but the faint street light leaking in through the hall was more than enough for rifter vision.

It implies a relative indifference to personal welfare, an attitude entirely consistent with the profile I developed at the onset of the rifter program.

This adds a measure of empirical confidence to other, related predictions regarding rifter behavior.

Back then Scanlon was just another patronizing bastard with a shaved deck, and if fortune put him down here on rifter turf for a while, who could be blamed for having a little fun with him?

Clarke is now part of a rifter community sharing space on the seabed with the remnant refugees of corporate America.

Real rifters wore corneal overlays that turned their eyes into blank white balls.

And now, of course, with everybody still reeling after the Quake out west, people had pretty much forgotten the rifters and their problems.

Nothing remotely like the ravenous glowing predators that had once plagued the rifters at Beebe Station.

They wait there for a few moments: Rifters, newcomer, five new gadgets to dilute their humanity a little further.

Lenie Clarke, the woman who destroyed civilization to get even, to stop her fellow rifters from getting a little slice of the action for themselves.