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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ridiculous \Ri*dic"u*lous\, a. [L. ridiculosus, ridiculus, fr. ridere to laigh. Cf. Risible.]

  1. Fitted to excite ridicule; absurd and laughable; unworthy of serious consideration; as, a ridiculous dress or behavior.

    Agricola, discerning that those little targets and unwieldy glaives ill pointed would soon become ridiculous against the thrust and close, commanded three Batavian cohorts . . . to draw up and come to handy strokes.

  2. Involving or expressing ridicule. [R.]

    [It] provokes me to ridiculous smiling.

    Syn: Ludicrous; laughable; risible; droll; comical; absurd; preposterous. See Ludicrous. [1913 Webster]
    --- Ri*dic"u*lous*ly, adv. -- Ri*dic"u*lous*ness, n.


n. 1 (context uncountable English) The characteristic of being ridiculous. 2 (context countable English) The result of being ridiculous.


n. a message whose content is at variance with reason [syn: absurdity, absurdness]

Ridiculousness (TV series)

Ridiculousness is an American comedy clip show that began airing on August 29, 2011. It is hosted by Rob Dyrdek and co-hosted by Sterling "Steelo" Brim and Chanel West Coast. Ridiculousness shows various viral videos from the Internet, usually involving failed do-it-yourself attempts at stunts, to which Rob and his panelists add mock commentary. Although the format bears some similarity to viewer-submission driven shows such as America's Funniest Home Videos, Ridiculousness producers, as well as the show's network, MTV, do not accept viewer submissions and air a disclaimer before and after each episode warning that, because of the dangerous nature of the stunts being shown, any attempts to submit a video to the show will be discarded sight unseen.

Usage examples of "ridiculousness".

His black velvet doublet, his knee-length breeches, his high, supple boots, harked just enough to a later period to avoid the inherent ridiculousness of male Elizabethan garb without appearing anachronistic, and his hueless hair seemed warmer in the torchlight, darkened almost to honey.

I am, I discover, unmartial to the point of ridiculousness and quite without the will to wage war.

It was a nondescript three-story, gray frame houseMoosic thought it Victorian, until he realized the ridiculousness of that term in 1875that was, nonetheless, a large and comfortable single dwelling in a peaceful, middle-class neighborhood.

There's a, certain mysterious ridiculousness about it by its very nature - once there was a reason why you had to carry a posy of primroses on Soul Cake Tuesday, but now you did it because.