Crossword clues for ridged
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ridge \Ridge\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ridged; p. pr. & vb. n. Ridging.]
To form a ridge of; to furnish with a ridge or ridges; to make into a ridge or ridges.
Bristles ranged like those that ridge the back Of chafed wild boars.
--Milton. To form into ridges with the plow, as land.
To wrinkle. ``With a forehead ridged.''
vb. (en-past of: ridge)
Usage examples of "ridged".
The horn family: pyramidal, sectoral, conical, biconical, box, hybrid, ridged.
Her forehead was ridged with keratin, her nostrils no more than slits in the middle of her face.
Over this regalia he battened an armor of ridged lamellae in which he swaggered for half a day until the heat became unbearable and, rather irresponsibly, he abandoned his outer casing under a tree like some drab cicada reaching adulthood.
And the fingers walked cautiously on, over the curiously muscleless, faintly ridged flesh, cooler than the rest of the body, across the tender nipple, into the deep cleft between, and out onto the breast that lay limp and helpless and hardly recognizable as round, lying like a hunting trophy over her other arm.
She peered at him with one opaline eye, the great sleek wedge of her head hanging six feet above the ground, snorting gently through ridged nostrils.
She used to wear a cap like that one, and a sort of ridged and ruckled sweater to try to hide how thin she was.
Shaw River, I was into a world of small hills like tumuli, the road dipping and rising endlessly, the rattle of the Holden on the ridged surface permeating my whole-body.
The other had the head of a great mandrill, with bright blue patches of ridged flesh on either side of the flaring nose.
But there are also pure white shells heavily ridged on the outside but within of a marmoreal smoothness and these come in hinged pairs.
The wound, back and palm, was an ugly, gaping hole ridged with necrosed skin-and proud flesh.
At some time Pannikin had lost all his hair and one ear to a Nothing-laced explosion, and his bare skull was ridged with scars.
The dragon was black, with a double row of diamond-shaped plates along its ridged back, and it slept with its long, scaley snout on its forelegs, like a dog.
From just below her shoulder blades to the base of her spine, her back was a ridged mess of criss-crossing scars.
Then, slowly, the fog faded, and the ridged plains of Felis Dorsa emerged out of the haze, at first misty and colorless, and then, as the dust raised by the landing thinned out, sharply delineated.
If the manure is to be used for root-crops or potatoes, and if the land is to be ridged, and the manure put in the ridges, then it will be desirable to put the heap on the headland, or, better still, to make two heaps, one on the headland top of the field, and the other on the headland at the bottom of the field, as shown in the annexed engraving.