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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ribbon \Rib"bon\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ribboned; p. pr. & vb. n. Ribboning.] To adorn with, or as with, ribbons; to mark with stripes resembling ribbons.


vb. (present participle of ribbon English)

Usage examples of "ribboning".

Nicholas felt the terror filling him up as, like a sorceress, she moved, freeing his own sexuality, drawing out his own ribboning desire.

Whatever it was, Akiko longed for it just as she longed for the release from the bunched tension ribboning her thighs and stomach.

And that was how death found her, falling across her body in shadow, a rippling nightblack finger that seemed to appear out of nowhere, running across her bent back, ribboning along the folds of her linen jacket like a slice of the Void splitting her in two.

It was the last straw and he felt-himself melting, all his energy, all his reserves of strength flowing down the ribboning muscles of his thighs to his loins, pooling like quicksilver in his scrotum.

Ronin, on deck, could see nought but the blurred shadows of the ribboning ice as it sped by beneath the vessel.

Below them, the water whooshed by, pale, ribboning in the gloom, swirling against the black rocks.

He tore his eyes away from the ribboning land, glanced around the car.

It grew and grew like a terrible spectre, ribboning his entire frame but still he continued while blood from the torn flesh dribbled slowly to the floor, while the images assailed his mind, until he thought he could bear it no more.

It seemed more substantial than the vagrant wisps of countryside or sea-scenes that had been ribboning past them as they spoke.

The thin crimson line around each canister seemed to sparkle slightly, as if it were about to detach itself from the metal casing and float up to join the curlicues of smoke ribboning off my cigarette.