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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rhinophore \Rhi"no*phore\, n. [Rhino- + Gr. fe`rein to bear.] (Zo["o]l.) One of the two tentacle-like organs on the back of the head or neck of a nudibranch or tectibranch mollusk. They are usually retractile, and often transversely furrowed or plicate, and are regarded as olfactory organs. Called also dorsal tentacles. See Illust. under Pygobranchia, and Opisthobranchia.


n. A club-shaped structure that occurs in pairs as the most prominent part of the external head anatomy of the dorid nudibranchs.


A rhinophore is one of a pair of chemosensory club-shaped, rod-shaped or ear-like structures which are the most prominent part of the external head anatomy in sea slugs, marine gastropod opisthobranch mollusks such as the nudibranchs ( Nudibranchia), Sea Hares, ( Aplysiomorpha) and sap-sucking sea slugs ( Sacoglossa).