Rhind may refer to:
- Aaron Rhind (born 1991), Australian swimmer
- Alex Rhind, Scottish footballer, played in the 1872 Scotland vs England football match
Alexander Rhind (1821–1897), American Naval officer
, US destroyer named after him
Alexander Henry Rhind (1833–1863), Scottish lawyer
- Rhind Lectures, a series of lectures on topics of archaeology originally funded by a bequeath from him
- Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, Egyptian papyrus named after him
- David Rhind (1808–1883), Scottish architect
- David William Rhind (born circa 1945), British geographer
- James Robert Rhind (1854–1918), Scottish architect
- John Rhind (1836–1889), Scottish architect
- John Rhind (sculptor) (1828–1892), Scottish sculptor, father of William Birnie Rhind and J. Massey Rhind
- John Stevenson Rhind, Scottish sculptor
- J. Massey Rhind (1860–1936), Scottish-American architectural sculptor
- Julian Rhind-Tutt (born 1968) English actor
- William Birnie Rhind (1853-1933), Scottish architectural sculptor
Usage examples of "rhind".
On the night of the twenty-third of December the Louisiana was safely worked in near the fort by brave Commander Rhind, who fired the slow match and escaped unhurt with his devoted crew of volunteers.
The pagans say that Wotan wooed Rhind the Winter Queen by dressing himself in female attire, because Rhind scorned all male suitors.
At Gurnah, forty years ago, Rhind picked up a legend which stated that the Nile flows down from the sky.
She became the wife of a Mr Rhind, an Edinburgh gentleman, but died soon after her marriage.