Crossword clues for rhexia
n. (context botany English) Any of the genus (taxlink Rhexia genus) of plants in the family ''(taxlink Melastomataceae family)''.
Rhexia (deer grass, meadow beauty) is a genus of plants in the Melastomataceae family. Many Rhexia species, such as Rhexia aristosa, occur in wet pine savannas (see also flatwoods), and are dependent upon moist soil with recurring fire. Further north, Rhexia virginica is found on lakeshores with recurring disturbance from winter ice scour. In Nova Scotia, Rhexia virginica is considered a typical representative of the unusual coastal plain flora. In Ontario, the species occurs only within an old glacial lake along Georgian Bay. Northern species also appear to be associated with naturally fluctuating water levels. It appears that they survive high water periods as buried seeds, and then germinate and flower during low water years. Like many other flowers in that family, Rhexia virginica is buzz pollinated and has yellow stamens which change color following the first day of flowering. In North America, Rhexia is the only temperate genus in the family; the others are confined to warmer areas.
Usage examples of "rhexia".
Epidendrum, Delicate Ionopsis, Rose Pogonia, Yellow Rhexia, Teyrazygia.