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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rhapsody \Rhap"so*dy\, n.; pl. Rhapsodies. [F. rhapsodie, L. rhapsodia, Gr. "rapsw,di`a, fr. "rapsw,do`s a rhapsodist; "ra`ptein to sew, stitch together, unite + 'w,dh` a song. See Ode.]

  1. A recitation or song of a rhapsodist; a portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation, or usually recited, at one time; hence, a division of the Iliad or the Odyssey; -- called also a book.

  2. A disconnected series of sentences or statements composed under excitement, and without dependence or natural connection; rambling composition. ``A rhapsody of words.''
    --Shak. ``A rhapsody of tales.''

  3. (Mus.) A composition irregular in form, like an improvisation; as, Liszt's ``Hungarian Rhapsodies.''


n. (plural of rhapsody English)

Rhapsodies (album)

Rhapsodies is a double LP by keyboardist Rick Wakeman, which was released in 1979. It was his last studio release on A&M.


Rhapsodies may refer to:

  • Rhapsodies, Op. 79 (Brahms), a solo piano piece
  • Rhapsodies (album), a 1979 album by British rock keyboardist Rick Wakeman

Usage examples of "rhapsodies".

But when, during the second part of the programme, Egressy played the last three Hungarian Rhapsodies, I could not turn off my ears.