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RFDump is a software created by Lukas Grunwald and Christian Bottger for the purpose of security auditing of RFID tags. It is periodically updated to emerging RFID standards such as e-passport and Mifare encryption currently found on many pay as you go systems.

RFDump is a back-end GPL tool to directly inter-operate with any RFID reader to make the contents stored on RFID tags accessible. The tools reads an RFID tag's meta information: tag ID, tag type, manufacturer etc. The user data of a tag can be displayed and modified using either a hex or an ASCII editor. In addition, the integrated cookie feature demonstrates how simple it is for a company to abuse RFID technology, and how it can be used to spy on unwitting consumers. RFDump works with the ACG Multi-Tag Reader or similar card reader hardware.

RFDump features ( Gtk application):

  • Runs on Linux, Windows
  • Supports ACGs PCMCIA/CF Multi-Tag Readers
  • Decodes the tag type, tag ID and manufacturer
  • Displays tag memory in hex and ASCII encoding
  • Allows to write memory using hex or ASCII editor
  • Full ISO/IEC 14443 type A/B support
  • Support for Mifare sector keys
  • Cookie feature using arbitrary cookie ID and automatically incrementing counter
  • Brute-force cracking of access control cards (sector keys)
  • Audit of encrypted RFID tags check for default shipping keys
  • Save and restore of Mifare cards including sector keys
  • Multi baudrate reader support; RFDump can set baud rate
  • Scan option
  • Configuration menus

Supported Tag Types:

  • ISO/IEC 15693: Tag-it ISO, My-d, I-Code SLI, LRI512, TempSense
  • ISO/IEC 14443 type A: Mifare Standard(1,2), Mifare UltraLight(1,2)
  • ISO/IEC 14443 type B: SR176(1,2)
  • Tag-it
  • I-Code
  • EM4002
  • EM4005
  • EM4050
  • HITAG1
  • HITAG2
  • Q5