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n. (plural of reversal English)

Usage examples of "reversals".

I do not wish to go into the question of reversals and reflections on this occasion, so that placing the rooks on the other diagonal will count as different, and similarly with other repetitions obtained by turning the board round.

These twelve produce ninety-two ways if we regard reversals and reflections as different.

Now, all the other eleven solutions are non-symmetrical, and therefore each of them may be presented in eight ways by these reversals and reflections.

It is well to have a clear understanding on the matter of reversals and reflections when dealing with puzzles on the chessboard.

Jaenisch showed that if no queen may attack another there are ninety-one different ways of placing the five queens, reversals and reflections not counting as different.

We are not here considering the diagonals at all, and every different six squares occupied makes a different solution, so we have not to exclude reversals or reflections.

Of course, this method must obviously cover all the reversals and reflections, since each corner in turn is occupied by every number in all possible combinations with the other two corners that are in line with it.

But this will include half the four reversals and half the four reflections that we barred, so we must divide this by 4 to obtain the correct answer to the Greek Cross, which is thus 2,592 different ways.

The division is by 4 and not by 8, because we provided against half the reversals and reflections by always reserving one number for the upright and the other for the horizontal.

Now, if it were stipulated that (with the chain lying on the table, and every successive link falling over its predecessor in the same way, as in the diagram) only the white sides should be uppermost as in A, then the answer would be 564,480, as above—ignoring for the present all reversals of the completed chain.

But if one of the eight stars had not already been placed as shown, there would then have been eight ways of arranging the stars according to this scheme, if we count reversals and reflections as different.

This does not count reversals and reflections as different, and it does not take into consideration the actual permutations of the letters among themselves.

So that the correct answer is 2 × 576 = 1,152, counting reflections and reversals as different.

It was understood that reversals and reflections do not count as different.

If we counted all the reversals and reflections of these 47 and 30 cases respectively as different, their total would be 560, which is the number of different ways in which the sheep may be placed in three pens without any conditions.