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Reuel or Raguel meaning "friend of God" or "one who is intimate with God", is a Hebrew name associated with several Biblical and/or religious figures.

Usage examples of "reuel".

The fragile truce she and Reuel had formed on the Korana had left so much unsaid.

This kyng lay at Camylot vpon Krystmasse With mony luflych lorde, lede3 of the best, Rekenly of the Rounde Table alle tho rich brether, With rych reuel ory3t and rechles merthes.

At the same instant that Jack Sawyer had jammed the burning coin into the forehead of a monstrosity in the Territories, Reuel Gardener, who had been afflicted with relatively harmless petit mal epileptic seizures ever since the age of six (the same age at which Osmond's son had begun to show signs of what was called Blasted Lands Sickness), apparently suffered a grand mal seizure in the back of a Wolf-driven Cadillac on I-70, westbound to California from Illinois.