n. A ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back again
n. a ticket to a place and back (usually over the same route) [syn: round-trip ticket]
Return Ticket is a 2011 Chinese drama film directed by Teng Yung-shin.
Usage examples of "return ticket".
She sort of nursed him back to health, and I think he had a return ticket -- he never leaves home unless the money and a ticket are all brought to the house and handed to him.
On the plus side, my return ticket was paid for, so I could always get straight back on a plane and come home.
He had given her a first-class, return ticket to London on the same airplane that the youth was traveling tourist.
There was a return ticket to London in his wallet, and he was going to use it.
Accordingly, a long trip on rails with return ticket in pocket, up three flights, second door on the right, straight into the environment without knocking: but Erwin Leblich, through no fault of his own, has had an accident at work and is lying in bed with a high-hoisted plaster leg and an angular plaster arm, but with powers of speech unimpaired.
He turned, stepped into the booking office, and held his return ticket toward the clerk.
His return ticket was snug in Arry's left-hand inside jacket-pocket.
This way, if he didn't like it down there, he could use his return ticket to fly back to West Palm whenever he felt like it.
She handed her return ticket to Tel Aviv back to her mother and remained in Paris for her first job.