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a. Of or pertaining to a retrovirus

Usage examples of "retroviral".

We depend on retroviral and transposon activity during nearly every stage of our growth.

After isolating the immortalizing traits from teratoma sources, I proposed that viral, retroviral, and even prion vectors might be engineered to transfer the selected traits into the human genome.

The most effective approach was a bold presentation of explicit sex education and the use of condoms to prevent the infection, combined with inexpensive retroviral treatment of pregnant women to reduce the incidence of HIV infection among their newborn babies.

Proteins in Retroviral Vectors: Implications for Major Histocompatability Complex Antigen Activity.

It tends to emphasize anomalous phenomena like retroviral infections and horizontal gene transfers.

Perhaps on the principle of being hung for a sheep as well as for a lamb, the human genome decided to go the whole hog [1] and steal the entire retroviral genome.