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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Once, I dived full-length across the court in a vain attempt to retrieve the ball.
▪ Webster retrieved the ball and flipped it underhand to Rhodes, who had anchored himself at the plate.
▪ The fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler.
▪ But Mr Barraza and the Duke would not want me to retrieve the ball.
▪ If the ball was dislodged from the dish, you had to stop the car, retrieve the ball and continue.
▪ In fact, he had been taken prisoner after going behind enemy lines to retrieve the body of a friend.
▪ A raven protected the holy corpse from predators until nightfall, when his fellow Christians were able to retrieve his body.
▪ Fire chief Hugo Ernst said it could take four days to retrieve all the bodies.
▪ With some newsreaders, you might need to retrieve the message body and decode in two stages.
▪ It clanged urgently, like a fire-engine dashing towards a disaster, like the ambulance thundering along behind to retrieve the bodies.
▪ The same console will enable the teacher to retrieve data or generate more meaningful reports almost instantaneously.
▪ Under X Window, the user can also retrieve data from several sources simultaneously and switch between applications.
▪ However, researchers have precious little time to retrieve the data.
▪ The read channel retrieves data stored on the disk and writes to the disk.
▪ Having retrieved the raw data, it needs to be transformed into the required information, perhaps by some preceding analysis work.
▪ Even though much of this information may already be in electronic form, retrieving the correct document from a database is not simple.
▪ Text retrieval seeks to interpret what the user says and retrieve the appropriate document from the database.
▪ We were asked to infiltrate the area and retrieve as many documents as we could from the farmhouse.
▪ Mr Virdi allegedly sent a second batch of letters after learning that the force could retrieve deleted files.
▪ Each time Joe Consumer retrieves a file from a commercial server, the payment meter is ticking.
▪ In other words, the act of retrieving the information is the input to other transactions.
▪ When you learn how to search out and retrieve information you are in possession of a golden key to doing successful public relations.
▪ What are the best excavation methods for retrieving this information?
▪ Significantly though, the media do not retrieve the information at some later date for the public's benefit.
▪ The new version of the software automatically indexes, stores and retrieves digital information.
▪ It is totally sealed and spins at very high speeds and can therefore retrieve and store information very quickly.
▪ Basics 8.2.1 All computers are able to store and retrieve information from a non-volatile medium.
▪ But, as the striker moved in for the kill, the defender retrieved the situation with a splendid recovery tackle.
▪ But if so I felt that I had a chance of retrieving the situation, once I'd made the Fraxillian delivery.
▪ But it is widely expected that further heads will have to roll if the discredited Communist Party is to retrieve the situation.
▪ Text retrieval seeks to interpret what the user says and retrieve the appropriate document from the database.
▪ Under X Window, the user can also retrieve data from several sources simultaneously and switch between applications.
▪ A user can only retrieve a module by quoting a package that already has a version of it as a member.
▪ Gaily dared not bend to retrieve it.
▪ Basics 8.2.1 All computers are able to store and retrieve information from a non-volatile medium.
▪ In order to store or retrieve information we must have some means by which the computer can refer to any location.
▪ He has spent $ 200,000 so far trying to retrieve his children, and his business has almost collapsed.
▪ The fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler.
▪ I had left my bag at the railroad station and went back to retrieve it.
▪ If you want to retrieve a file from the computer press FIND and then enter the name of the file you want.
▪ Right now we're concentrating on retrieving the spacecraft.
▪ She bent down and retrieved the map from under the car seat.
▪ Can we retrieve our culture from the product pushers?
▪ She'd agreed to meet Matthew half way, and retrieve the children.
▪ When you learn how to search out and retrieve information you are in possession of a golden key to doing successful public relations.
▪ With a peculiar shiver of fear, he stooped to retrieve his spear.
▪ With some newsreaders, you might need to retrieve the message body and decode in two stages.
▪ Zhong quickly retrieved a fist-sized chunk and rushed it to a frozen-food warehouse for safekeeping.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Retrieve \Re*trieve"\, n.

  1. A seeking again; a discovery. [Obs.]
    --B. Jonson.

  2. The recovery of game once sprung; -- an old sporting term. [Obs.]


Retrieve \Re*trieve"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retrieved; p. pr. & vb. n. Retrieving.] [OE. retreven, OF. retrover to find again, recover (il retroevee finds again), F. retrouver; pref. re- re- + OF. trover to find, F. trouver. See Trover.]

  1. To find again; to recover; to regain; to restore from loss or injury; as, to retrieve one's character; to retrieve independence.

    With late repentance now they would retrieve The bodies they forsook, and wish to live.

  2. To recall; to bring back.

    To retrieve them from their cold, trivial conceits.

  3. To remedy the evil consequence of, to repair, as a loss or damadge.

    Accept my sorrow, and retrieve my fall.

    There is much to be done . . . and much to be retrieved.

    Syn: To recover; regain; recruit; repair; restore.


Retrieve \Re*trieve"\, v. i. (Sport.) To discover and bring in game that has been killed or wounded; as, a dog naturally inclined to retrieve.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., retreve, originally in reference to dogs finding lost game, from Middle French retruev-, stem of Old French retreuver (Modern French retrouver) "find again, recover, meet again, recognize," from re- "again" (see re-) + trouver "to find," probably from Vulgar Latin *tropare "to compose" (see trove). Altered 16c. to retrive; modern form is from mid-17c.


n. 1 A retrieval 2 (context sports English) The return of a difficult ball 3 (context obsolete English) A seeking again; a discovery. 4 (context obsolete English) The recovery of game once sprung. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To regain or get back something. 2 (context transitive English) To rescue (a) creature(s) 3 (context transitive English) To salvage something 4 (context transitive English) To remedy or rectify something. 5 (context transitive English) To remember or recall something. 6 (context transitive English) To fetch or carry back something. 7 (context transitive English) To fetch and bring in game. 8 (context intransitive English) To fetch and bring in game systematically. 9 (context intransitive English) To fetch or carry back systematically, notably as a game. 10 (context sports transitive English) To make a difficult but successful return of the ball. 11 (context obsolete English) To remedy the evil consequence of, to repair (a loss or damage).

  1. v. get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly" [syn: recover, find, regain]

  2. of trained dogs

  3. recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories" [syn: remember, recall, call back, call up, recollect, think] [ant: forget]

Usage examples of "retrieve".

To retrieve and decode that sliver, Riveroma needs a string of information that will be found coded onto a specific antibody which he will find in your bloodstream.

Nine Balls for the test day of free billiards, to deal with Kyle and retrieve her tomcat.

All Kenneth had to do was retrieve the blastulas that Tomila had earmarked for incineration, before the lab attendant did.

It came as a shock to realize that she had no record of her baby, no photograph or souvenir, apart from the single woollen bootee that she had retrieved from his cot.

There was also the baby bootee that she had retrieved from under his cot in the flat in Milaga.

Hours into the game, we had to find homonyms in the menu of a restaurant, swim out to a dinghy in the middle of a lake, and go into a house party to retrieve a clue from kids who were staging a knife fight.

Tryl nudged Mank who moved forward, retrieving his slave, taking him away.

The old hag stooped down, cursing, to retrieve her weapon, and as she did so Melia wakened and called urgently from her upper bunk.

She retrieved her mobile video chip recorder from its narrow stowage space beneath her deceleration couch and loaded a power microdot battery.

Five minutes later, all the minnies had been retrieved and first squad was descending the side of the schoolhouse.

Had the detective followed orders issued by Pinkerton, he could have retrieved the missive, captured its author and thwarted the bloody Rapidan River ambush.

Janice Morraine bent down and retrieved the picture before the wind blew the photo into the water, while I trailed off after Alan and Else.

Life, is used to inexplicable underlining that turns out to be dog hairs, and apparent shifts from print to Braille where someone overdue for a forepaw nail trimming has checked my copy, but the printouts of my articles about Bobbie and Margaret, retrieved from the floor after the break-in, looked as if they had been used for paper-training.

Reaching within the neatly arranged interior, he retrieved a bottle of paregoric, an old remedy his mother used to force on him when he was a child.

Mzu, prevent her from handing over the Alchemist to the Garissan partizan movement, retrieve the Alchemist.