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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The Four Horse Men of the Apocalypse apparently felt it inappropriate to arrive as a messenger of divine retribution.
▪ It is, I suppose, divine retribution for the treatment your whiteness receives in certain doctors' surgeries.
▪ Another piece of divine retribution for all those hours spent ticking others off came relatively recently.
▪ If California fell into the ocean, would it be divine retribution for making movies like this?
▪ Employees need to be able to express their feelings without fear of retribution.
▪ Some officials felt that the bombings were retribution for the killing of the hijackers.
▪ The earthquake was seen by some people as divine retribution.
▪ An outraged public demanded swift justice and retribution.
▪ For Mankins, seeing Harris die was simple retribution for a heinous crime.
▪ If California fell into the ocean, would it be divine retribution for making movies like this?
▪ It carried with it, implicitly, the threat of extreme retribution.
▪ The child who has been bumped typically views the act as intentional and worthy of appropriate retribution.
▪ The Justice Model's philosophy consequently relied heavily on retribution as at least a partial justification for punishment.
▪ There were few things more calculated to endear a prince to his subjects than a display of stern retribution on unjust officials.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Retribution \Ret`ri*bu"tion\, n. [L. retributio: cf. F. r['e]tribution.]

  1. The act of retributing; repayment.

    In good offices and due retributions, we may not be pinching and niggardly.
    --Bp. Hall.

  2. That which is given in repayment or compensation; return suitable to the merits or deserts of, as an action; commonly, condign punishment for evil or wrong.

    All who have their reward on earth, . . . Naught seeking but the praise of men, here find Fit retribution, empty as their deeds.

  3. Specifically, reward and punishment, as distributed at the general judgment.

    It is a strong argument for a state of retribution hereafter, that in this world virtuous persons are very often unfortunate, and vicious persons prosperous.

    Syn: Repayment; requital; recompense; payment; retaliation.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "repayment," from Old French retribution and directly from Latin retributionem (nominative retributio) "recompense, repayment," noun of action from past participle stem of retribuere "hand back, repay," from re- "back" (see re-) + tribuere "to assign, allot" (see tribute). Originally "that which is given in return for past good or evil;" restricted modern use of "evil given for evil done" (1560s) is from day of retribution (1520s), in Christian theology the time of divine reward or punishment.


n. punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance.

  1. n. a justly deserved penalty [syn: requital]

  2. the act of correcting for your wrongdoing

  3. the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life; "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord"--Romans 12:19; "For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge"--James Garfield; "he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him"; "the swiftness of divine retribution" [syn: vengeance, payback]


Retribution may refer to:

  • Punishment
  • Retributive justice, a theory of justice that considers proportionate punishment an acceptable response to crime
    • Divine retribution: retributive justice in a religious context
  • Revenge, a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance
Retribution (novel)

Retribution, a 2004 legal thriller, is the first novel by Jilliane Hoffman. After being published in January 2004 it became a top-three bestseller in the USA and top 10 in Europe. This graphic serial killer/courtroom thriller puts its readers in a situation of choice between justice and retribution in its hardest form.

Category:2004 novels Category:Debut novels Category:Legal thriller novels Category:Novels set in New York City

Retribution (2006 film)

is a 2006 Japanese mystery film directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, starring Koji Yakusho, of a detective's investigation of serial murders that leads him to a mysterious woman in red who slowly draws him into the darkness.

Retribution (Malevolent Creation album)

Retribution is the second studio album by Florida death metal band Malevolent Creation. It was produced and engineered by Scott Burns. The opening song, "Eve of the Apocalypse", contains the theme music from the 1986 controversial psychological horror/ crime film, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

Retribution (Shadows Fall album)

Retribution is the sixth studio album by American heavy metal band Shadows Fall. The album was released on September 15, 2009. It debuted at number 35 on the Billboard 200.

Retribution (Obscura album)

Retribution is the debut album by German technical death metal band Obscura. It was originally self released in 2004 and later rereleased in 2006 on Vots Records. After the band signed to Relapse Records and released Cosmogenesis, it was decided to reissue Retribution. The reissue, which was remastered, was released in 2010 and featured bonus tracks and a new artwork.

Retribution (1921 film)

Retribution is a 1921 Australian silent film directed by Armand Lionello, who ran a Brisbane acting school. The film was shot in Brisbane and is considered a lost film.

Retribution (1987 film)

Retribution is a 1987 American horror film directed by Guy Magar, written by Magar and Lee Wasserman, and starring Dennis Lipscomb as a suicidal man who is possessed by a vengeful spirit.

Retribution (2002 film)

"Retribution" is the sixth episode of the British film series Hornblower. It was released on 25 March 2002; nearly 3 years after the first four films and the day after the fifth episode "Mutiny". It is based on the book Lieutenant Hornblower by C.S. Forester. Retribution is a continuation of the fifth episode.

Retribution (2015 film)

Retribution (, "The stranger") is a 2015 Spanish thriller film directed by Dani de la Torre. It was screened in the Venice Days section of the 72nd Venice International Film Festival.

Usage examples of "retribution".

The Vor lord was sick again, and his male victim started climbing up after him, slipping on the beslimed stonework and promising violent retribution.

Brennon was a bar brawler, not the type to hit a defenseless woman in some sort of retribution.

Nunk and his companions, perhaps the other war bureau manipleoutside the gate, keeping the brawlers on the killing ground until the war bureau fighters finished their retribution.

MacDougall alive and still keep the de Mers from retribution at the hands of the King of Scotland.

Upon the whole, the metempsychosis may be understood, as to its inmost meaning and its final issue, to be either a Development, a Revolution, or a Retribution, a Divine system of development eternally leading creatures in a graduated ascension from the base towards the apex of the creation, a perpetual cycle in the order of nature fixedly recurring by the necessities of a physical fate unalterable, unavoidable, eternal, a scheme of punishment and reward exactly fitted to the exigencies of every case, presided over by a moral Nemesis, and issuing at last in the emancipation of every purified soul into infinite bliss, when, by the upward gravitation of spirit, they shall all have been strained through the successively finer growing filters of the worlds, from the coarse grained foundation of matter to the lower shore of the Divine essence.

He knew the miscreant richly merited the threatened retribution, and yet he wished it were not impending.

However, this is expected to be short lived due to HUMINT reporting and FIF debriefs, which strongly suggest that paramilitary groups closely allied with the regime will ultimately break and run for fear of retribution from the local populace.

But it was likely that he was told it was a retribution raid, a ratissage, and not the search for half a ton of gold that was to provide a comfortable living for three senior officers after the war.

What an explication it gives of those mysteries of evil, pain, sorrow and retribution, which often wrap the innocent and the wicked in one sad fate, if we but see that no individual stands alone, but trails along with him the unfinished sequels of all ancestral experience, and, furthermore, is so bound up with his simultaneous race that each is responsible for all and all for each, and that no one can be wholly saved or safe until all are redeemed and perfected!

Adirondack and maybe Silvern and Iberiand too in what amounts to a war of retribution.

Hassan of Aleppo, its awful guardian, had triumphed and had escaped retribution.

Was it retribution that I hoped to find as I set out from Alsatia, in the midst of the deluge, in the back of a mail-coach jostling along the Strand and into Charing Cross, heading slowly westward?

He rubbed the blister that was already rising and, dodging the martial display and the towering figure of retribution, he made his way toward the Bololo entity.

And the Great Leveller rode and continues to ride on the penalty of sin, forcing its retribution in the form of death on the acts of senseless execution and coldblooded murder.

Everyone was positive the disease had been inflicted upon the poor officer in retribution by Major - de Coverley, although no one was sure how.