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vb. To transmit again.

  1. v. transmit again

  2. [also: retransmitting, retransmitted]

Usage examples of "retransmit".

What do you figure would happen if we did want to retransmit the file?

Suffice it to say I have the means to collect energy in general and retransmit it in specific forms and directions.

Rob and those two to use your beeper to intercept the broadcast from that camera and retransmit it with the TV cameras on some emergency channel?

The antennas would pick up the preprogrammed signals, and the onboard receivers would automatically transmit them down to Sigint analysts in South Vietnam, who could then retransmit them via satellite in near real time right to NSA.

Alice Springs would just receive the unencrypted signal, encrypt it, and retransmit it back to Fort Meade.

Neither Toby nor Christine could comprehend it, but they recognized it, received it, and then retransmitted it with all their concentration.

Washington, an encrypted signal that had been retransmitted by a satellite.

She had trouble remembering that it was only a day old, that being the minimum time for a message to crawl to a ship in transit, be received before jump and retransmitted immediately after.

The signals would then be retransmitted instantly on narrow VHF frequencies to small collection huts at ground stations in Turkey, Iran, and elsewhere, where they would be recorded on reels of magnetic tape.

Giant dishes automatically collected the signals, which were in turn retransmitted by satellite to Melbourne, nearly 5,000 miles away.

The signals captured by the equipment will be remotely retransmitted to a geostationary Sigint satellite, which will relay them to NSA.

For over two centuries the Monitor left by Akar had retransmitted only geophysical and cosmic data back along the string of beacons linking vortex to vortex.

God forbid, we ever have to start retransmitting electronic intelligence from the Barents Sea .

Most of their information comes from intercepting and retransmitting your communications, such as the laser links between Jupiter and Earth.

Under prior agreements we are retransmitting without question or examination.