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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Retired \Re*tired"\, a.

  1. Private; secluded; quiet; as, a retired life; a person of retired habits.

    A retired part of the peninsula.

  2. Withdrawn from active duty or business; as, a retired officer; a retired physician.

    Retired flank (Fort.), a flank bent inward toward the rear of the work.

    Retired list (Mil. & Naval), a list of officers, who, by reason of advanced age or other disability, are relieved from active service, but still receive a specified amount of pay from the government. [1913 Webster] -- Re*tired"ly, adv. -- Re*tired"ness, n.


n. Quality of being retired or withdrawn.

Usage examples of "retiredness".

Susquehanna, and coming among people in outward ease and greatness, supported chiefly on the labor of slaves, my heart was much affected, and in awful retiredness my mind was gathered inward to the Lord, humbly desiring that in true resignation I might receive instruction from him respecting my duty among this people.