n. One who, or that which, resurrects.
Resurrector (born Grant McDonald Chambers, May 10, 1971 in New Haven, CT) is an electronic music producer best known as founder of Colorado/San Francisco Dub Hop band Heavyweight Dub Champion. He is the co-producer of both Heavyweight Dub Champion studio albums and is main creator of the band's philosophical ideology defined by the Last Champion Manifesto, a booklet included with the 2002 album, Survival Guide For The End of Time. Resurrector now lives in San Francisco, CA and performs and produces for Heavyweight Dub Champion, Liberation Movement and Jillian Ann, among others.
Usage examples of "resurrector".
The resurrector catchers operate on a slightly different frequency from that of the computer.
Riverworld, the resurrector, using a mass-energy converter and the record, reproduced that body on a bank of The River.
The resurrector, the former hero, flinging himself like a mangy, shaggy mutt at his lackey, who just laughs at him!
WAS FLYING TO THE TOWER, HAVING JUST COMPLETED A legitimate mission, when the two hidden resurrectors were found.
The males resented the fact that their face hair had been permanently removed by the Resurrectors, just as their prepuces had been cut off.
What made him think that he, one man, could do anything to hurt the Planet-Shapers, Resurrectors of billions of dead, Feeders and Maintainers of those summoned back to life?
This apparently had been provided by the resurrectors to show the new citizens just how their grails worked.
The males resented the fact that their face hair had been permanently removed by the Resurrectors, just as their prepuces had been cut off.